5 Sure Signs Of Ovulation That Show You Are Fertile

According to WebMD’s suggestions that certain physical signs can indicate ovulation and fertility. Here are some of the key outward indicators: ..Read Full Article

1. An increase in body temperature is a common sign of ovulation. Studies show that ovulation leads to a rise in body temperature, even at rest, making it most effective to check your temperature first thing in the morning to identify this change.

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2. Breast tenderness is another potential sign of ovulation, according to Healthline. During ovulation, women may experience soreness in their breasts, similar to what they might feel before menstruation. It’s important to differentiate between premenstrual and ovulatory breast tenderness.

3. While not all women experience discomfort during ovulation, some do. This discomfort typically occurs between days 10 and 14 of the menstrual cycle, which is considered the most fertile period, as ovulation signals peak fertility.

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4. Women may notice an increase in cervical mucus during ovulation. This mucus tends to be clearer, more slippery, and elastic, which can sometimes require the use of pantyliners. This change is a sign of fertility.

5. According to the Very Well Family website, women may experience a heightened desire for sexual intimacy during ovulation. Studies suggest that a woman’s hips may loosen, and she may feel more attractive before and during ovulation.

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