5 Warning Signs You Should Immediately See A Gynecologist

A lot of women completely neglect their vaginal health due to taboos around sexual health, and many women have not visited a gynecologist even once. Most women would go to a gynecologist only during pregnancy. The hush and silence around sexual and vaginal health makes a lot of women deliberately not visit a gynecologist in fear of judgment. ..Read Full Article

This leads to neglect with respect to their health as well as delayed treatment in case of issues.

It is time to strike the hesitation away and see your gynecologist, especially if any of these symptoms sound familiar.

If you notice any dramatic changes in your menstrual cycles, like sudden irregularity, heavy bleeding or prolonged absence (amenorrhea) of your period, this may indicate serious health issues. Visiting a gynecologist during this is important to identify what is causing the absence or excess of your period. It could be hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders or reproductive system issues. Your gynecologist can help you with medical advice as well as appropriate medicines to help with the problem.

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If you are experiencing pelvic pain for quite some time, and it just does not seem to go away, visiting a gynecologist is advised. Persistent pelvic pain during your period or sexual intercourse could signal issues such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), fibroids or ovarian cysts. These conditions require urgent medical guidance to be treated before they cause more harm.

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While natural vaginal discharge is not something to worry about, it might be a cause of concern when the discharge has a distinct color, thickness or odor. These changes could hint towards a number of conditions that are not good for your vaginal pH balance or health. Vaginal discharge could indicate various infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis or even sexually transmitted infections. Yeast infections often result in thick, white discharge while bacterial vaginosis might cause a fishy odor and grayish-white discharge. Consulting a gynecologist is important to prevent an escalation of the issue.

If you have been experiencing pain during intercourse, discomfort or any sexual health related issues which weren’t there before, this should be taken up with your gynecologist immediately. Keeping away any hesitation, it is important to discuss your sexual health with your gynecologist before the symptoms could be a hint towards something bigger and may require you to take medicines for the same.

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If you feel itchy or a burning sensation around your urethra, it’s a good idea to see your gynecologist. These symptoms can range from a normal, simple infection that can be treated with antibiotics to a STI that might need more intensive care. While at times people try to increase water and Vitamin C intake to help with a common UTI, it is best to take advice prior to this.​……Read Full Article

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