7 Things You Must Not Do After Getting A BBL

Getting a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) can give you a stunning figure, but there are certain things you’ll need to avoid permanently to maintain your results and ensure your long-term health. Here are some of the things you can’t do after getting a BBL. ..Read Full Article

1. Sit Directly on Your Buttocks for Long Periods. You must avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for extended periods, as this can put pressure on the fat cells that were transferred during your surgery. Sitting this way can reduce the survival rate of the fat cells, which will potentially compromise your results.

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2. Engage in High-Impact Exercises

After getting a BBL, high-impact exercises like running, jumping, or heavy lifting should be avoided. These activities can negatively affect the fat transfer and alter the shape of your buttocks.
3. Smoke

Smoking is a big no-no after a BBL. It delays healing, and can reduce the survival of the transferred fat cells. To maintain your results and stay healthy, quitting smoking is important.
4. Significant Weight Fluctuations

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Maintaining a stable weight is necessary after getting a BBL. Significant weight loss or gain can drastically change the shape and appearance of your buttocks, so it’s important to keep your weight consistent.
5. Apply Pressure to the Buttocks

Wearing tight clothing or sitting on hard surfaces for too long can put pressure on your buttocks, which might affect your BBL results. To preserve the shape, avoid any pressure on your buttocks.
6. Expose Surgical Areas to Direct Sunlight

After a BBL, you should avoid exposing the surgical areas to direct sunlight, especially during the first few months. Sun exposure can darken scars and affect the healing process.
7. Sleep on Your Back

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You’ll need to avoid sleeping on your back permanently to prevent putting pressure on your buttocks. Instead, sleep on your side or stomach to protect your new shape.

By avoiding these activities, you can maintain the beautiful results of your BBL and enjoy your figure for years to come.

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