Six weird little signs that your period is about to start

We’d all like to know exactly when our period will strike, so we can prepare. ..Read Full Article

It’s that time of the month again when you’re left clutching at your stomach and refusing to get out of bed. Periods

can be a nightmare and whether or not you regularly experience pains, you’ll want to be prepared for your next one.

During these times, you’ll want to keep your hot water bottle and medication close but sometimes our periods can creep up on us when we’re least expecting it. For most women, bleeding can last between two and seven days every month, according to The NHS. However, there are some subtle signs to prepare you for the enviable including experiencing a feeling of slight unease in your abdomen area.

Some apps can help you keep track of when you can expect to get your period, however, there are natural ways that can tell you when the change in your body is about to happen. And it turns out cramps aren’t the only tell-tale sign your period is about to start. There are actually six other things you can look out for, reports RSVP Live.

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Lots of women suffer from really bad migraines in the lead-up to their period, and the pain can even be worse than cramps. Migraines are known to be associated with the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle – estrogen and progesterone.

According to official guidelines from the American Headache Society, the window for “menstrual migraines” is between two days before a period starts and three days after. If it gets really bad you can take painkillers.

Most women will find their bowel movement changes during their period. During the first few days your body releases the chemical prostaglandins, which makes the uterus contract. But the prostaglandins sometimes stray over to the bowel, so it also contracts.

Mira Kaga, an internal medicine physician, said: “Sometimes our body releases so much prostaglandin that it doesn’t just target the uterus, it targets other areas of the body, and in this case, the GI tract.” Kaga said this rush in prostaglandins can cause diarrhea for some, and just increased bowel movements for others.

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There’s a good chance your *** may become a lot more tender in the lead up to your period. Gynecologist Alexa Dweck told Cosmopolitan breast swelling can sometimes occur over the course of an entire week, and it’s not uncommon to go up a bra size.

This is because of rising progesterone levels. Dr Rebecca Brightman, a gynecologist in New York City, recommends drinking less caffeine, using an ice pack or heating pad on your chest, or taking painkillers.

You experience a lot of hormonal changes in your period. Not only do you feel more sexually energised but you crave a lot more sugar and fatty foods. Dr Deb Laino, a licensed sex therapist in Delaware in the US, said serotonin levels tend to deplete before the start of a period, and cortisol (a hormone released when you’re stressed) rises.

He told Cosmopolitan: “Sugary and fatty foods tend to give a burst of serotonin.The same thing with cortisol. Cortisol goes up under stress — you’ll start to crave salty foods.”

This symptom is sometimes not actually the worst, because eating salty and sweet foods is fun. Just, you know, throw a vegetable or two in there at some point.

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Alyssa Dweck says a spike in the hormone progesterone is to blame here. For most people, the fluctuation resolves within a few days of starting a period. She said: “Most [medical] literature says it’s just a couple of pounds. But anecdotally, women will complain about a five-plus-pound fluctuation before the period.”

Many women find exercise really helps ease craps when they’re expecting their period, but your time of the month can make it tougher. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Trauma Rehabilitation on how women recover from mild traumatic brain injury found that when progesterone levels are high the week before a period (call the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle), women took longer to recover.

This doesn’t just apply to brain trauma, which is why your regular gym routine may leave you feeling sore longer before your period starts. The luteal phase also leaves a lot of people feeling out of breath faster and just generally fatigued. Your body’s preparing for a period! It’s hard work. Most doctors recommend you take it a little easier during your period.

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