Dear Men, 5 Secrete Herbs That Can Help Shrink Prostrate To Normal Size % - Ability Digitalz
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Dear Men, 5 Secrete Herbs That Can Help Shrink Prostrate To Normal Size



MEN! ! See 5 Hidden HERBS That Can Help Shrink Prostrate To Normal Size – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE

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The prostate, a small gland situated below the bladder in men, plays a crucial role in the male reproductive system. However, as men age, many experience a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate. This condition can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as frequent urination, difficulty in starting urination, weak urine flow, and the sensation of incomplete bladder emptying. While conventional treatments like medications and surgery are available, an increasing number of men are turning to natural remedies to manage their prostate health. Here, we explore five hidden herbs that have shown promise in helping to shrink the prostate back to its normal size....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto, a herb derived from the fruit of the Serenoa repens tree, has been extensively studied for its potential to improve prostate health. Research indicates that saw palmetto can help reduce the symptoms of BPH by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that contributes to prostate enlargement. Studies have shown that men taking saw palmetto experienced significant improvements in urinary symptoms and overall quality of life.

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Pygeum, an extract from the bark of the African plum tree (Prunus africana), has been used traditionally to treat urinary problems related to an enlarged prostate. Pygeum contains several active compounds, including phytosterols and pentacyclic triterpenes, which are believed to reduce inflammation and inhibit the growth of prostate cells. Clinical trials have demonstrated that pygeum can alleviate urinary symptoms and improve urinary flow in men with BPH.

Stinging Nettle Root

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a plant known for its medicinal properties, particularly in treating urinary issues associated with BPH. The root of the stinging nettle contains bioactive compounds that can inhibit the interaction of sex hormone- binding globulin with testosterone, thereby reducing prostate cell proliferation. Research suggests that stinging nettle root can help decrease prostate size and relieve urinary symptoms when used alone or in combination with other herbs like saw palmetto.

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Pumpkin Seed Extract

Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo) are rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytosterols, making them a beneficial remedy for prostate health. Pumpkin seed extract has been shown to improve urinary function and reduce the symptoms of BPH. The phytosterols in pumpkin seeds help block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, thus preventing further enlargement of the prostate.

Additionally, the anti- inflammatory properties of pumpkin seed extract contribute to reducing prostate swelling.

Rye Grass Pollen Extract

Rye grass pollen extract, derived from the pollen of rye grass (Secale cereale), has been used in traditional medicine to treat prostate conditions. This extract contains a mixture of water- soluble and fat- soluble fractions that help improve urinary flow and reduce residual urine volume. Studies have indicated that rye grass pollen extract can significantly improve symptoms of BPH, including nocturia (frequent nighttime urination) and weak urine stream.

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Managing prostate health is a critical aspect of aging for men. While conventional medical treatments are available, incorporating natural remedies like these hidden herbs can provide a holistic approach to managing symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Before starting any herbal treatment, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is appropriate for your specific condition and to avoid potential interactions with other medications. By combining traditional wisdom with modern research, men can take proactive steps to support their prostate health and improve their overall well- being.

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See These 15 Foods That Help Improve Erections



See These 15 Foods That Help Improve Erections

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A crappy diet can do more than wreck your waistline-it can sink your erection, too.…Read Full Article ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Think about it: Some of the smallest blood vessels and nerves in your body can be found in your ***, says Jamin Brahmbhatt, M.D., a urologist at Orlando Health. So if youre slamming down junk like pizza and fries every day, your blood vessels down under may get clogged with fat and cholesterol.

This restricts blood flow to your ***, preventing you from getting hard when youre ready for action and even putting your heart health at risk down the road. Many of these foods can increase your chances of developing high blood pressure, too.

It may sound wacky, but you should treat your penis like a luxury car, says Dr. Brahmbhatt. To keep your ride running smoothly, you need to fill it with the recommended fuel and keep up with the suggested maintenance. Well, your *** needs the same-like healthy foods and plenty of exercise-to keep it going strong, he says.

Filling up with the right foods can boost your testosterone, strengthen your sperm, and supercharge your erection. Even better, a good diet will keep your heat healthy. So, what do we recommend as premium fuel? These 15 foods are a good place to start.

Your morning coffee may improve your sex life, according to a study of more than 3,700 men from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

Those who downed the equivalent of 2 to 3 cups of a coffee a day-between 170 to 375 milligrams (mg) of caffeine-were less likely to report erectile dysfunction (ED) issues than men who skipped their cup of Joe.

Why? Caffeine

triggers a series of effects in your body that help the arteries in your *** relax and blood flow to increase, producing an effect similar to ED drugs like Viagra, the study authors explain.

Your D needs vitamin D, suggests one Austrian study and the foods above are great sources of it.

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After researchers had men take either 3,332 IU of vitamin D or a placebo per day for a year, they found that free testosterone levels-the powerhouse behind your sex drive-significantly increased in guys loading up with vitamin D.

Plus, insufficient D levels may also increase your risk for erectile dysfunction, Italian researchers found. When you dont get enough vitamin D, you produce free radicals that decrease nitric oxide in your body, a compound that helps your blood vessels function, the researchers say.

Without it, your blood vessels cant relax, hindering the flow of blood to your ***. That makes it difficult for you to get hard, says Larry Lipshultz, M.D., chief of male reproductive medicine and surgery at Baylor College of Medicine.

So how much D do you really need? Thats still up for debate: The National Institutes of Health recommend getting 600 IU daily, while the Endocrine Society notes

that some people may need to go much higher with 1,500 to 2,000 IU a day. Talk to your doctor to find out what works best for you.

Need a snack? Choose nuts

, researchers from Turkey suggest. After 17 men with ED ate 100 grams of pistachios for three weeks, they all reported a significant improvement in their erectile function, ability to ***, libido, sexual satisfaction, and overall happiness in life. As a bonus, they all had higher HDL, or good, cholesterol and lower LDL, or bad, cholesterol, too.

Pistachios contain a high amount of an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide in your body, the researchers say. And like almonds, walnuts, and most other nuts, theyre a great source of healthy fats, which are good for your heart and therefore your, says Dr. Brahmbhatt.

Only 13 percent of Americans eat enough fruit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Big mistake: Eating enough of the right ones can work wonders to improve your sexual health.

In a 10-year study of more than 25,000 men, Harvard University researchers found that men who ate foods packed with certain flavonoids

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-anthocyanins, flavanones, and flavones-had a lower ED risk than guys who didnt eat as much of them. The effect was particularly strong among those under 70 years old.

In fact, men who ate flavonoid-rich foods-like blueberries, strawberries, apples, and citrus fruits-a few times a week reduced their ED risk by 9 to 11 percent compared to those who ate them less frequently. The researchers speculate that flavonoids found in these foods may help improve the health of your blood vessels by relaxing your arteries.

Bonus points if you like to break a sweat: Men who were physically active (consider that 2 to 5 hours of brisk walking a week) and ate flavonoid-rich fruits reduced their ED risk by 21 percent.

So make sure youre fitting enough in your diet: The U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming two cups of fruit every day. (This handy chart can help you figure out portion sizes.)

Since the Mediterranean diet is good for your heart, its not exactly surprising that it may benefit your ***, too. Heart disease is actually one of the most common causes of ED. Once plaque starts to build up in your blood vessels, the ones in your are the first to get blocked up.

So to truly test the diets benefits, Italian researchers had 35 men with diagnosed with ED and metabolic syndrome-a group of factors linked to heart health problems-load up their plates with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and fish. Another 30 men with metabolic syndrome followed a control diet.

After two years, about one third of the men following the Mediterranean diet regained normal sexual functioning and saw lower levels of inflammation in their bodies.

Researchers arent exactly sure why the diet could help men with ED, but they believe the combination of eating more fiber-filled and antioxidant-rich foods may have antiinflammatory properties, which helps promote healthy blood flow, the study authors say.

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And you dont have to be dealing with heart problems to notice the diets benefits in the bedroom. Men who eat lots of monounsaturated fats (a Mediterranean diet staple), like fish and nuts, also have the highest levels of testosterone, research suggests.

Other studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet can help you drop a few pounds

, and a healthy body weight is linked to stronger erections. That’s because extra weight can harm your vascular function, which interrupts blood flow to your. A study of more than 7,000 adults published in The Lancet

found the Mediterranean diet can help people lose weight without counting calories. It’s particularly great at reducing belly fat, which raises your risk of heart disease.

Vitamin C is key for healthy sperm, according to research from the University of Texas Medical Branch.

In the study, researchers divided 75 men-all heavy smokers with poor semen quality- into three groups. One group took 200 mg of vitamin C, another took 1,000 mg, and the last group took a placebo.

After four weeks, the 200-mg group improved their sperm quality by 15 percent, meaning they not only had a higher sperm count, but their sperm were able to swim more efficiently and survive longer, too.

Whats more, the 1000-mg group more than doubled that by 40 percent. Vitamin C seems to protect your sperms DNA from cell-damaging free radicals, the researchers say. That’s important, since damaged sperm might mess with your ability to conceive when youre ready to have a kid.
Aim for a minimum of 90 mg

and no more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C a day, suggests the National Institutes of Health. While the participants in the study popped a supplement, you can easily get your daily dose through vitamin-C rich foods, which is always your best bet. Of course oranges are the most obvious choice, but yellow peppers, peaches, and spinach are great sources of vitamin C.

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Doctor Explains How to Work Out for a Good Sex Life



Doctor Explains Why You Should Not HAVE SEX for 2 Days After Hair Removal – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE

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WE WORK OUT for all kinds of reasons, whether it be wanting to get stronger, lose weight, or improve our mental health. During a recent in-depth conversation with urologist and sex educator Dr. Rena Malik, kinesiologist Dr. Andy Galpin touched on another area of life that can be enhanced through training: sex. Specifically, how to ensure you can stay fit and healthy enough to keep on having sex into later life....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

To begin with, both Malik and Galpin agree that a certain VO2 max threshold is required. VO2 max measures the efficiency with which the body uses oxygen during aerobic exercise, and is used as one possible gage of physical fitness. For reference, Malik cites research which positions cardiovascular activity like jogging, swimming and stationary rowing as being similar in intensity to sexual activity, and therefore roughly comparable in terms of VO2 max. Yet another good reason to not skip cardio.

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When it comes to strength training, Galpin speaks about the importance of achieving full hip extension—without compromising the lower back. Far too often, he explains, we recruit the lower back to aid in extension of the hips, which can risk leading to weakness, pain, and injury over time. Instead, should be achieving a strong contraction of the glutes to drive extension in each rep, whether it be squats, split squats, lunges, hip thrusts or step-ups

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Mind-muscle connection can play a role here too: Galpin advises being “conscious of the quality of contraction” in your muscles during your workouts. “Don’t just worry about the sets and reps,” he says. “Think about the muscles that you want to contract, and focus on the quality of contraction… Really make sure that when you’re finishing those things you’re doing it intently and you’re not just getting 90 percent of the way there and then going onto the next repetition.”

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“Now we have higher efficiency, so muscular endurance is higher,” he adds. “I can’t promise you that your sexual stamina will be higher, but your fatigue, your perception of fatigue, will be much higher, because you’re moving much more efficiently, and you won’t hurt yourself.”

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How To Treat Premature Ejaculation at Home Naturally



Why Some Men Lose Their ERECTION During SEX; 5 Common Reasons And How To Address Them – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE

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Premature ejaculation can be a real mood killer, leaving both you and your partner feeling unsatisfied and frustrated....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

You’re not alone in this battle. Many men face the challenge of premature ejaculation, and there are plenty of ways to tackle it.

So, put on your warrior spirit and let’s explore some fantastic natural remedies that can help you last longer and achieve maximum pleasure.

Ways to prevent quick ejaculation:

Practice the Squeeze Technique:

Gently squeeze the base of your *** when you feel the urge to ejaculate.

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Hold it for a few seconds until the sensation subsides.

Repeat this technique a few times during intercourse to delay ejaculation.

Engage in Kegel Exercises:

Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles by squeezing and holding them for a few seconds.

Repeat this exercise several times a day to improve your ejaculatory control.

Try the “Stop and Start” Method:

When you feel the urge to ejaculate, pause and take a break.

Use this time to focus on pleasuring your partner or switch to other sexual activities.

Utilize the Power of Deep Breathing:

Take slow, deep breaths during intercourse to relax your body and delay ejaculation.

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Deep breathing helps reduce anxiety and promotes better control over your sexual response.

Explore Herbal Remedies:

Some herbs like a

Ginseng, and tribulus terrestris are believed to enhance sexual performance and increase stamina.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can improve your overall sexual health.

Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and illicit drugs, as they can negatively affect your sexual performance.

Seek Professional Help:

If natural remedies don’t provide the desired results, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional or sex therapist.

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They can offer personalized advice, prescribe medications if necessary, or recommend specialized therapies to address premature ejaculation.


Remember, it’s important to be patient and consistent with your chosen remedies. Each person is unique, so don’t be discouraged if one method works better for you than others.

Experiment, communicate, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of improving your sexual experience. With these natural remedies, you can regain control, boost your confidence, and spice up your love life like never before.

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7 different herbs to heal different organs in your body



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Since the beginning of time, humans have looked to the natural world for remedies....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

With their diverse chemical compositions, plants have offered many potential health benefits.

While modern medicine is crucial in healthcare, herbs can provide a gentle, natural alternative or complement conventional medicine. They can help to support and heal various organs in the body.

Here are seven herbs traditionally used to support specific organs and body systems:

Milk thistle is renowned for its liver-protective properties. The active compound, silymarin, acts as an antioxidant, reducing inflammation and promoting the regeneration of your liver cells.

Milk thistle is renowned for its liver-protective properties

Milk thistle is particularly beneficial for those with liver conditions such as hepatitis or cirrhosis, and it can also help protect your liver from the harmful effects of toxins like alcohol and certain mmedications.

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Hawthorn has been used for centuries to support cardiovascular health. This herb improves blood flow, strengthens your heart muscles, and helps manage conditions like high blood pressure and arrhythmias.

Rich in antioxidants, hawthorn can also reduce oxidative stress, which is a contributing factor in many heart-related aailments.

Ginseng is a powerful adaptogen known for its ability to enhance overall vitality and immune function. For your lungs, ginseng can help improve respiratory function and increase oxygen uptake.

It’s particularly useful for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, as it can help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

Ginseng enhances overall vitality and immune function [Very Well Health]

Turmeric contains curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound. While not an organ in the traditional sense, the joints are vital to mobility and overall health. Turmeric can help reduce inflammation and pain in conditions like arthritis, promoting better joint health and function.

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Ginger is widely recognised for its ability to ease digestive issues. It can help you alleviate nausea, reduce bloating, and improve overall digestion.

The active components, gingerols, and shogaols have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, making ginger an excellent remedy for stomach ailments ranging from indigestion to motion sickness.

Cranberries are well-known for their role in preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs). The proanthocyanidins in cranberries prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of your urinary tract, reducing the risk of infection.

Cranberries protect your urinary tract [Homes & Gardens]

Regular consumption of cranberry juice or supplements can help you maintain a healthy urinary system, particularly ifor you are prone to recurrent UTIs.

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Blueberries are not only delicious but also incredibly beneficial for your brain health. Rich in antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Regular consumption of blueberries has been linked to improved memory, cognitive function, and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

It’s important to remember that herbs are not a magic bullet. While they offer potential benefits, consulting a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your routine is crucial, especially if you are taking medications or have underlying health conditions.

Additionally, proper identification and sourcing of herbs are essential to ensure safety and effectiveness.

By adding these herbs, along with a healthy lifestyle, you can increase your body’s natural healing abilities and your overall well-being. ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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5 conditions that cause your legs swell



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Leg swelling is a symptom that should not be ignored, as it may indicate underlying health issues...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

While occasional swelling may be harmless, persistent or sudden swelling could indicate underlying health issues.

If you are experiencing leg swelling, here are five conditions that might have caused it.

One common reason for swollen legs is lack of physical activity. If you have been sitting or standing for a long time without movement, this can contribute to poor circulation and fluid retention, leading to leg swelling.

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Aside from being in one position for a long time, fluid retention can also be caused by conditions such as kidney disease, heart failure, and liver disease which all impact the legs leading to swelling.

Venous insufficiency refers to the inability of veins to adequately circulate blood back to the heart. When veins struggle to perform this function, blood may pool in the legs, resulting in swelling.

Varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis are examples of conditions associated with venous insufficiency.

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The lymphatic system plays an important role in maintaining fluid balance in the body. Any disruption in the lymphatic system, whether due to infection, surgery, or trauma, can lead to swelling in the legs.

Lymphedema is a specific condition where the lymphatic system is compromised.

Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis can also contribute to leg swelling. In addition, localised infections, such as cellulitis, can cause inflammation, leading to swelling in the affected area.

It is quite common to see pregnant women with swollen legs especially in the later stages of pregnancy. This is commonly attributed to increased pressure on blood vessels and the growing uterus affecting blood flow.

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In conclusion, leg swelling is a symptom that should not be ignored, as it may indicate underlying health issues. Identifying the root cause is crucial for proper diagnosis and management. Individuals experiencing persistent or severe leg swelling should seek medical attention to determine the appropriate course of action for their specific condition ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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7 Important Benefits of Olive Oil Massage Everyone Should Know



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Olive oil is one of the most common ingredients found in kitchens across the world....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

It is not only oil used in a wide number of cuisines but also full of healthful properties.

Many health enthusiasts have praised the strength of olive oil to cure many skin and health issues.

Knowing all this, I started my research online on the benefits of olive oil massage and pen down all of them in this blog.

As life is getting more straining due to the hectic schedule, only a massage session can bring your body to its good state. Adding olive oil to the massage session will take the benefits of massage to next level.

Let’s get started to know the 7 amazing benefits of olive oil massage that will change the way you live your life.

Olive oil

Olive oil is the world’s number one cure for pain and swelling. The slightly warm olive oil gives your joints and muscles a soothing effect when it is massaged over them.

Olive oil massage can also help you with the pain caused by arthritis or gout. Combining the massage session with daily yoga and exercises will help you reap maximum benefits. But you need to focus more on affected areas.

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Ahh, the stress. I can feel it as meeting family commitments, project deadlines, and paying bills take a big toll on our stress levels. Do you know stress is the key cause of heart attack, hypertension, aches, stomach issues, and many health hazards? Therefore, it is necessary to manage stress.

You have this amazing oil and the olive oil massage helps relieve stress. Additionally, you will find it more effective in managing or melting stress cells as it helps improve blood circulation, calms nerves, and replenishes energy levels. It is one of the distinctive and remarkable benefits of olive oil massage on the body.

Almost everyone is looking for a natural cure to turn down skin ageing. Now you have it. The olive oil massage on the body will help the skin stay young, fresh, and hydrated. Therefore, it is the most loved benefit of olive oil so far.

It is scientifically proven that virgin olive oil improves collagen productivity in the skin. Collagen is the element that maintains skin elasticity and firmness. Therefore, it prevents premature ageing and sagging of the skin. Look youthful, fresh, and super gorgeous with olive oil massage.

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People these days are complaining about lack of sleep. The reasons are obvious – excessive use of mobile phones, workload, stress, and lack of exercise. All these cause the body to produce insufficient melatonin, which results in sleeping disorders.

But the olive oil massage helps you relax and get over your tiredness. It helps relax sore muscles, release tension and calm nerves. All these help you improve the quality of your sleep.

Girls love to wear skirts, western dresses, and other fashionable outfits. But that uneven or bumpy surface on the upper thighs ruins all the happy mood. Therefore, it can be uncomfortable for women to wear the dresses they have in the wardrobes.

But there is one thing that can help you, olive oil. Getting a regular massage with olive oil helps you reduce cellulite. You can get good results by massaging the problem areas more.

People often ask and search about the benefits of olive oil massage for hair. So, you would be happy knowing that olive oil massage not only helps level up your skincare game but also controls dandruff. In addition to controlling dandruff, olive oil massage nourishes the scalp, removes itchiness, relieves dryness and restores moisture to your hair.

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Remember, there is no permanent cure for dandruff. But olive oil can help you control it to some extent due to its high nourishing properties.

When we hear the term ‘stretch marks, the first thing that hits our mind is ‘women’. Even if women are at higher risk of getting stretch marks, they are not the only one who struggles with these skin scars. Bodybuilders, athletes, teenagers, and gym goers, all are at equal risk of getting stretch marks.

So, olive oil massage can be the ultimate rescue for all those people who are looking for ways to get rid of stretch marks. This magical oil helps reduce stretch marks to a great extent. They need to massage the problem areas regularly with slightly warm olive oil to get good results. ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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Ginger Water: 5 Benefits Of Drinking Ginger Water At Night



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Ginger’s expectorant properties aid in loosening and expelling mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract, facilitating easier breathing and reducing congestion. This is particularly beneficial during colds and respiratory infections. 1. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Ginger helps balance blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin sensitivity, which improves glucose uptake into cells. This promotes overall metabolic health and supports glucose control. 2. Reduces Muscle Pain

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The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can help reduce muscle soreness and stiffness, making it beneficial for athletes or those experiencing muscle discomfort. 3. Promotes Better Sleep

Helps relax muscles and promote restful sleep when consumed before bedtime and also alleviates insomnia by calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation. 4. Supports Weight Loss

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By improving digestion, reducing appetite, and boosting metabolism, ginger water can aid in weight loss efforts when incorporated into a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. 5. Boosts Metabolism

Increases metabolism due to its thermogenic impact, which increases calorie burn and promotes weight loss. Drinking it at night can help with fat loss and weight management.

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Do This Simple Exercise To Reduce Your Blood Pressure



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There’s good news for people who don’t like lifting weights or running outside: Recent research found that you don’t need to move to improve your blood pressure....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

A meta analysis published in theBritish Journal of Sports Medicinefound that static isometric exercises—exercises where you engage muscles without moving—might be more effective than other workouts when it comes to lowering blood pressure.

Researchers analyzed 270 clinical trials that documented the effects of exercise lasting two or more weeks on resting blood pressure. The team, based out of Canterbury Christ Church University in Canterbury, U.K., found that isometric exercises were the most effective in improving both systolic and diastolic blood pressure over cardio, strength training, and high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Researchers looked at three kinds of isometric exercises in particular, including squeezing a handgrip, holding a leg extension machine in place, and wall squats. The wall squats (or wall sits) were found to be the most effective isometric exercise of them all.

“We believe this may be due to the larger muscle mass used performing the wall squat compared to other methods of performing isometric exercise training,” Jamie O’Driscoll, PhD, a reader in cardiovascular physiology at Canterbury Christ Church University and co-author of the report, told Verywell Health.

It’s important to note, however, that the researchers concluded aerobic exercise, HIIT, and dynamic resistance training (such as body-weight squats and lifting weights) are still all effective at lowering blood pressure, too. The team says that isometric exercise should be used to complement other forms of movement, not replace it.
Robert Ross, PhD, a professor at the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, said the research is very encouraging for people who want to lower or control blood pressure through exercise.

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“If someone’s sought to decrease blood pressure—if that was the reason for undertaking exercise—then the good news is isometric exercise, resistance exercise, and classic aerobic exercise are all associated with reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure,” Ross told Verywell.

Ross said that the exact mechanisms that underlie the benefits of isometric exercise on blood pressure are not completely understood yet. But exercise, in general, is known to help the heart be able to pump more blood with less effort and slow heart rate.

Much research has shown that exercise has positive effects on hypertension (high blood pressure) and reduces both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.What’s more, exercise can help people lose weight, and hypertension can be associated with overweight and obesity.

And, unlike needing an hour to schedule in a spin class or having your running shoes handy, isometric exercise is convenient: It’s time efficient and requires no workout equipment. O’Driscoll said that this allows people to perform exercises like planks or wall squats easily at home or at work during a break.

It also doesn’t take hours of sweating in a gym to get the benefits. Ross said research shows that three to four sets of two-minute isometric exercises with one- to two-minutes of rest in between is associated with reducing blood pressure.

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“If someone doesn’t have 150 minutes one week to perform moderate- to vigorous-physical activity, then I suppose they could say, ‘Well, if I have 10 to 15 minutes to perform this isometric type of exercise…there’s benefit with respect to blood pressure,’” Ross said.

The authors of the new report suggest that it might be time to review the current exercise guidelines for the treatment of high blood pressure. Right now, much guidance suggests aerobic movement, such as running or brisk walking, as the most beneficial form of exercise for managing blood pressure.

The researchers wrote that these recommendations are largely based on data that might be out of date as it does not include newer forms of exercise, such as HIIT and isometric exercise—exercises we now know are very beneficial to blood pressure.

The American Heart Association currently says that most people should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking or cycling, a week to manage blood pressure.

O’Driscoll said his team is currently developing an international collaborative project with other health organizations to discuss recommendations.

“Isometric exercise training is an emerging and promising exercise mode for reducing resting blood pressure and may have a role which is complementary to traditional modes of exercise—not as a substitute,” he said. “Given the youth of this line of evidence, large-scale randomized controlled trials and several subdomains of this literature still require further exploration.”

While isometric workouts are seen to be most effective on improving blood pressure, both O’Driscoll and Ross said that any form of exercise is better than none, and will have a positive impact on overall health.

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This means if you love to power walk but haven’t mastered a plank, don’t fret: You’re still helping your heart.

“The findings from the study are very important since they demonstrate that all exercise modes investigated provide significant reductions in resting blood pressure, which is very encouraging,” O’Driscoll said. “The wider literature also supports the positive value of performing even a little exercise or physical activity for health. From a public health perspective, even a little is great; something is definitely better than nothing.”

Isometric exercises like planks and wall squats might improve your blood pressure more than cardio, according to a new meta analysis. This means that adding these types of exercises to your workout can benefit both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

4 Sources

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process

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Edwards JJ, Deenmamode AHP, Griffiths M, et al. Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Br J Sports Med. Published online July 25, 2023. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2022-106503 Johns Hopkins Medicine. 7 Heart benefits of exercise.

Hegde SM, Solomon SD. Influence of physical activity on hypertension and cardiac structure and function. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2015;17(10):77. doi:10.1007/s11906-015-0588-3

American Heart Association. Getting active to control high blood pressure. ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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Six weird little signs that your period is about to start



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We’d all like to know exactly when our period will strike, so we can prepare....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

It’s that time of the month again when you’re left clutching at your stomach and refusing to get out of bed. Periods

can be a nightmare and whether or not you regularly experience pains, you’ll want to be prepared for your next one.

During these times, you’ll want to keep your hot water bottle and medication close but sometimes our periods can creep up on us when we’re least expecting it. For most women, bleeding can last between two and seven days every month, according to The NHS. However, there are some subtle signs to prepare you for the enviable including experiencing a feeling of slight unease in your abdomen area.

Some apps can help you keep track of when you can expect to get your period, however, there are natural ways that can tell you when the change in your body is about to happen. And it turns out cramps aren’t the only tell-tale sign your period is about to start. There are actually six other things you can look out for, reports RSVP Live.

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Lots of women suffer from really bad migraines in the lead-up to their period, and the pain can even be worse than cramps. Migraines are known to be associated with the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle – estrogen and progesterone.

According to official guidelines from the American Headache Society, the window for “menstrual migraines” is between two days before a period starts and three days after. If it gets really bad you can take painkillers.

Most women will find their bowel movement changes during their period. During the first few days your body releases the chemical prostaglandins, which makes the uterus contract. But the prostaglandins sometimes stray over to the bowel, so it also contracts.

Mira Kaga, an internal medicine physician, said: “Sometimes our body releases so much prostaglandin that it doesn’t just target the uterus, it targets other areas of the body, and in this case, the GI tract.” Kaga said this rush in prostaglandins can cause diarrhea for some, and just increased bowel movements for others.

There’s a good chance your *** may become a lot more tender in the lead up to your period. Gynecologist Alexa Dweck told Cosmopolitan breast swelling can sometimes occur over the course of an entire week, and it’s not uncommon to go up a bra size.

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This is because of rising progesterone levels. Dr Rebecca Brightman, a gynecologist in New York City, recommends drinking less caffeine, using an ice pack or heating pad on your chest, or taking painkillers.

You experience a lot of hormonal changes in your period. Not only do you feel more sexually energised but you crave a lot more sugar and fatty foods. Dr Deb Laino, a licensed sex therapist in Delaware in the US, said serotonin levels tend to deplete before the start of a period, and cortisol (a hormone released when you’re stressed) rises.

He told Cosmopolitan: “Sugary and fatty foods tend to give a burst of serotonin.The same thing with cortisol. Cortisol goes up under stress — you’ll start to crave salty foods.”

This symptom is sometimes not actually the worst, because eating salty and sweet foods is fun. Just, you know, throw a vegetable or two in there at some point.

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Alyssa Dweck says a spike in the hormone progesterone is to blame here. For most people, the fluctuation resolves within a few days of starting a period. She said: “Most [medical] literature says it’s just a couple of pounds. But anecdotally, women will complain about a five-plus-pound fluctuation before the period.”

Many women find exercise really helps ease craps when they’re expecting their period, but your time of the month can make it tougher. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Trauma Rehabilitation on how women recover from mild traumatic brain injury found that when progesterone levels are high the week before a period (call the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle), women took longer to recover.

This doesn’t just apply to brain trauma, which is why your regular gym routine may leave you feeling sore longer before your period starts. The luteal phase also leaves a lot of people feeling out of breath faster and just generally fatigued. Your body’s preparing for a period! It’s hard work. Most doctors recommend you take it a little easier during your period. ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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Take Note of These 6 Side Effects Of Sleeping On The Left Side And How It Can Affect Your Heart



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Sleeping on the left side is a popular sleeping position for many people . It’s comfortable, and some people even believe that it’s good for their health. However, there are some side effects of sleeping on the left side that people should be aware of, especially when it comes to how it can affect the heart....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

1. Acid Reflux

One of the most common side effects of sleeping on the left side is acid reflux. When you

lie on your left side, your stomach and esophagus are positioned in a way that makes it easier for stomach acid to flow back up into your esophagus. This can cause heartburn, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing, which can all be uncomfortable and interfere with sleep.

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2. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder where you stop breathing for short periods during sleep. Sleeping on your left side can worsen sleep apnea because it can put pressure on your airway, making it more difficult to breathe.

3. Numbness and Tingling

Sleeping on your left side for long periods can cause numbness and tingling in your arms and hands. This is because the weight of your upper body

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can compress nerves in your arm and hand, reducing blood flow and causing these sensations.

4. Muscle Pain

Sleeping on the left side can also cause muscle pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. This is because the position can put pressure on these areas and cause strain on the muscles.

5. Heart Strain

Sleeping on the left side can put a strain on the heart. This is because when you lie on your left side, gravity can cause the heart to work harder to pump blood to the rest of the body. Over time, this can lead to increased strain on the heart and potentially cause heart problems.

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6. Reduced Blood Flow

Sleeping on the left side can also reduce blood flow to the heart. This is because the position can compress the vena cava, a large vein that carries blood to the heart. When the vena cava is compressed, blood flow can be reduced, leading to less oxygen being delivered to the heart and potentially causing heart problems ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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