Meet Cletus Ibeto, one of Nigeria's richest man who got his secondary school certificate at age 48 % - Ability Digitalz
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Meet Cletus Ibeto, one of Nigeria’s richest man who got his secondary school certificate at age 48



Dr Cletus

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

Dr. Cletus Madubugwu Ibeto is a Nigerian entrepreneur and businessman behind the Ibeto Group, one of Nigeria’s most successful and highly diversified indigenous industrial conglomerates. Born in Nigeria’s Anambra State, he started his business career as an automobile spare parts dealer under the Igbo apprenticeship system, commonly called imu-ahia....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

After his apprenticeship, he set up shop and started the Ibeto Brothers Trading Company, importing and distributing automotive batteries and plastic motor accessories. While running Ibeto Brothers Trading Company, he opened his factory in Nnewi to stop direct importation. After 10 years, he became the owner of one of the largest auto spare parts manufacturing outfits in Nigeria.

Between the Shehu Shagari administration and the time he was toppled, Ibeto had a monopoly over the importation of spare parts. After the Shagari administration introduced a policy restricting importation without a license, Ibetu moved quickly to secure the license which cost millions of naira while other importers were hesitant, waiting to see what would become of the policy. Later when these importers were ready to apply for a license, the process had become choked. With his license, Ibeto was able to import as many as 65 containers of spare parts.

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“There was a line of people wanting to get their hands on replacement parts from my businesses,” he recalled, according to Nairametrics.

“I was using boxes to store money at the bank. Even though the markup was close to 500%, people still bought the goods. The first two days after the containers arrived, I made four million pounds.”

He used the money he was making from his spare parts business to start Union Autoparts Manufacturing Company Ltd., which would become the leading manufacturer of automotive lead-acid batteries in Nigeria.

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He also ventured into the petrochemical industry, establishing Ibeto Petrochemical Industries Ltd. The company would grow to become one of the leading players in producing a wide range of chemical-related goods and oil lubricants for domestic and international markets. The company also became the largest liquid storage facility for petroleum products, with a capacity of about 60,000 metric tons.

The Nigerian businessman also established Ibeto Energy Development Company in 2008 in response to the federal government’s move to harness natural gas in the Niger Delta. He also followed in the footsteps of Aliko Dangote and established a cement factory called Ibeto Cement.

Today, Ibeto Group has subsidiaries, including Ibeto Cement Company Limited, Ibeto Industries Limited, Ibeto Petrochemical Industries Limited, Union Auto Parts Manufacturing Limited, Odoh Holdings Limited, Cottenwooden Gas Limited, Max Shipping Services Limited, CMI Communications Limited, and Ibeto Hotels Limited.

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Ibeto has an accounting degree from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He got his degree at the age of 54. Also, he received a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Honoris Causa, from the same institution in recognition of his business experience. Ebonyi State University also conferred an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Business Administration on Ibeto.

To acknowledge his contributions to the socio-economic development of the country and service to humanity, he was also honored several times by the Federal Government of Nigeria with Office of the Order of the Niger (OON) and Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON). ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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INTERVIEW: Cholera: Many people don’t know they have been infected – Scientist, Umeh



INTERVIEW: Cholera: Many people don't know they have been infected - Scientist, Umeh

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

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Following the recent outbreak of cholera in Nigeria and the upsurge of its confirmed cases and fatalities in many states of the federation, a pharmacist, Umeh Camillus Chibueze, MD/CEO of Camillus Pharmaceuticals, says most people are unaware they have been infected. He adds that the government is not doing enough to stem the tide. In this interview with DAILY POST, he x-rays the dangers of the epidemic, causes, symptoms, mode of transmission and the preventive measures to curb its spread. Excerpts:

What is the cholera epidemic all about?

Cholera is an epidemic or infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and even death if left untreated. It is caused by eating food or drinking water contaminated with a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae.

The disease is most common in places with poor sanitation, crowding, war, and famine and where there are poor latrines and no proper mode of defecation like using a pit toilet. Contaminated hands, eating contaminated vegetables, fruits and drinking from well or tap water are major spreads of cholera.

So, in other words, cholera is an epidemic that spreads very fast and the common symptoms have to do with diarrhea and vomiting and the person that suffers cholera will have what we call dehydration; that is lack of water in the body.

Is cholera currently driven by climate change?

The answer is no. As a scientist, I don’t believe that climate change has to do with cholera. Cholera has no business with climate change whatsoever. Climate change could be as a result of solar radiations which are quite different. Climate change is caused as a result of depletion of ozone layers which is caused by deforestation; that is the reduction of the number of trees that absorbed carbon monoxide and because of the absorption of carbon monoxide, they now go to the ozone layer and cause depletion.

So if you watch, there is no connection whatsoever between cholera and climate change. Though both of them are environmental hazards, cholera is caused by microorganisms while climate change is caused by an inanimate object which is carbon monoxide. Major causes of climate change is carbon monoxide as a result of deforestation. So there is no relationship between the two.

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What are the root causes of cholera?

Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is usually found in food or water contaminated by faeces (excreta) from a person with the infection. However, common sources include: municipal water supplies, ice made from municipal water, foods and drinks sold by street vendors, vegetables grown with water containing human wastes and raw or undercooked fish and seafood caught in waters polluted with sewage.

When a person consumes the contaminated food or water, the bacteria release a toxin in the intestines that produces severe diarrhea.

What are the common symptoms of cholera?

Most people exposed to the cholera bacterium (Vibrio cholerae) don’t become ill and don’t know they’ve been infected. But because they shed cholera bacteria in their stool for seven to 14 days, they can still infect others through contaminated water.

Most cases of cholera that cause symptoms cause mild or moderate diarrhea that’s often hard to tell apart from diarrhea caused by other problems. Others develop more-serious signs and symptoms of cholera, usually within a few days of infection.

Diarrhea is one of the common symptoms of cholera. Cholera-related diarrhea comes on suddenly and can quickly cause dangerous fluid loss. Diarrhea due to cholera often has a pale, milky appearance that resembles water in which rice has been rinsed.

Nausea and vomiting are other symptoms of cholera. Vomiting occurs especially in the early stages of cholera and can last for hours.

Another symptom of cholera is dehydration. Dehydration can develop within hours after cholera symptoms start and range from mild to severe. A loss of 10% or more of body weight indicates severe dehydration.

Signs and symptoms of cholera dehydration include irritability, fatigue, sunken eyes, a dry mouth, extreme thirst, dry and shriveled skin that’s slow to bounce back when pinched into a fold, little or no urinating, low blood pressure, and an irregular heartbeat.

Dehydration can lead to a rapid loss of minerals in your blood that maintain the balance of fluids in your body. This is called an electrolyte imbalance.

How long does cholera symptoms take to manifest?

If an individual is infected with vibrio cholerae; that is the organism that causes cholera or the bacterium that causes cholera, it stays within 12 hours to five days before the symptoms manifest themselves. That is the duration. And as a scientist, we call this an incubation period.

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How can someone take care of a cholera patient without being infected?

First of all, you cannot share the same food with a person suffering from cholera. You have to put on gloves while taking care of someone infected with cholera because there may be a drop of faeces from the body of the infected person. So you trying to clean him up can contract it and you have to avoid sharing raw food with him.

It is not that you are trying to avoid him completely, but be aware of safeguarding yourself. So you have to protect yourself by wearing hand gloves and possibly, face masks because it is not air-borne. Avoid drinking from the same cup until the person gets well. So these are the precautions you as a caregiver have to observe while taking care of a cholera-infected person.

What are the preventive measures of cholera disease?

Cholera can be prevented. There are so many measures you will use to prevent cholera. One of the measures is you have to avoid tap water, well water, raw food or undercooked seafood. People contract cholera from food like fresh fish. These are the measures you can use to avoid a cholera outbreak.

Another measure to prevent cholera is drinking bottled water that is treated with chlorine, then eating prepackaged food. Foods that are well packaged, well sanitized by a standard restaurant. Then consider disinfecting your water. Boil it, disinfect your water for at least one minute before you eat any food. Wash your fruits and vegetables with clean water. If possible, add salt. If you are to use vegetables to cook, you have to wash it with clean water.

The reason for the outbreak of cholera, I will tell you that the government policy has not been effective. Primary healthcare has not been effective. The necessary awareness is not there. Because ignorance is a disease, most of the people that suffer cholera, if you watch very closely they don’t even know what the mode of transmission is. Some people today still defecate in an open place. They still drink well water and some people still eat raw food without washing it. Some people feed on raw vegetables. Some people today still use all kinds of contaminated or poorly prepared food as their meal.

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So these are the reasons that the epidemic of cholera disease is quickly spreading. One factor is ignorance and the second one is government policy. The government is not doing much about it. In advanced countries like the US, there is what we call the Center for Disease Control, CDC. What these people do is to create much awareness. They provide people with the most basic awareness they need.

When there is an outbreak of cholera, there is always bottled water but in this part of the world, how many people can afford bottled water? How many Nigerians can prepare a very good dish for their breakfast, lunch and dinner? How many Nigerians can live in a decent environment that has a good toilet? Because we know that the mode of transmission of cholera is mainly through poorly prepared food, vegetables, raw fruits and drinking from well water.

In a nutshell, cholera can be prevented when you wash your hands with soap and water frequently, especially after using the toilet and before handling food. Rub soapy, wet hands together for at least 15 seconds before rinsing. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Also, drink only safe water, including bottled water or water you’ve boiled or disinfected by yourself. Use bottled water even to brush your teeth.

Similarly, hot beverages are generally safe, as are canned or bottled drinks, but wipe the outside before you open them. Don’t add ice to your drinks unless you made it yourself using safe water.

Eat food that’s completely cooked and hot and avoid street vendor food, if possible. If you do buy a meal from a street vendor, make sure it’s cooked in your presence and served hot.

Avoid raw or improperly cooked fish and seafood of any kind. Stick to fruits and vegetables that you can peel yourself, such as bananas, oranges and avocados. Stay away from salads and fruits that can’t be peeled, such as grapes and berries.

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Make Nigeria safe again Flush out terrorists



Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

Recent reports of Jihadi fighters occupying portions of Nigeria’s Northwest portend an escalation of insecurity, a menace the country has grappled with for over a decade without much success. The government should liaise with security operatives to quickly investigate the reports to prevent another major insurgency in the Northwest, which is already ravaged by banditry and terrorist activities. Ashes of Boko Haram insurgency in the Northeast are still smouldering, with last week’s suicide bombings in Gwoza, Borno State, that claimed more than 20 lives, according to a military source. Simply put, the battle against terrorism is not over and we cannot allow a resurgence....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

The Associated Press (AP) reported that Jihadi fighters, who had operated in the Sahel have now migrated into Nigeria from neighbouring Benin Republic, in search of wealthier West African Coastal nations. The fighters, who are believed to be linked to al-Qaida, are said to have quartered at the Kainji Lake Park. The Park, a once flourishing 3,500-square kilometre tourism haven in Niger State, is now reported to be deserted for more than one year due to insecurity.

The report is further corroborated by other international and local media, with video evidence of suspected Islamic fighters hanging out and milling around unchecked. Natives and locals are said to be helpless with many abandoning their businesses and homes.

The Tinubu government should go beyond vows and vague statements to tackling the menace headlong and proffering measurable timelines. President Tinubu has repeated the desire of the government not to slow down until insecurity is eliminated. He spoke when he declared open the North-west Peace and Security Summit held in Katsina. The summit had the theme: “Regional Cooperation for Securing Lives and Livelihoods in North-west Nigeria,” put together by the North-west Governors’ Forum in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

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The President reported at the summit that the strategy put in place to address insecurity in the country “has begun to provide redemption.” That assertion is contestable, going by regular news reports of insurgency attacks. There cannot be redemption when farmers are being daily chased out of their farms by terrorists and bandits, with communities repeatedly invaded and hapless citizens carted away for ransoms. The unprecedented high food inflation is easily traced to a lack of security in traditional farming communities.

On Sunday, June 9, over 50 people, including four policemen and two members of the state-owned security outfit, Community Watch Corps (CWC), were reported killed in coordinated attacks in five communities of Kankara Local Government Area of Katsina State. The President condemned the attacks, but that added no value to anti-terrorism campaign.

The government must go beyond routine condemnation to actual prevention before killings and attacks are launched. President Tinubu should be reminded that insecurity is worsening under his watch while his administration proclaims victory that has not been achieved.

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According to SBM Intelligence, within the first 45 days of this government, 600 people were killed across the country by bandits, terrorists, robbers and ethnic militias. Within the first three months of 2024, Amnesty International (AI), using data analysis done by the International Centre for Investigative Reporting (ICIR), reported that 2,336 people were killed in various attacks across the country. The implication is that there remains a lot of work to do concerning making the country safe for citizens and attractive to foreign investors.

So far, there is little to show that this government has adopted a different security approach from that of the government that preceded it. In eight years, security worsened under All Progressives Congress (APC) government of General Buhari. In 2014/2015 presidential campaigns, the APC promised to vanquish insurgency in a matter of months. But the menace spread from Northeast and has hibernated in the Northwest in the form of banditry and kidnapping. It soon engulfed the North-central, from where it suffocated the entire country. Yet, the defence budgets rose steadily from the N443.1 billion in 2016 to N1.248 trillion in 2023, according to the Budget Office, in addition to the $1 billion government appropriated from the Excess Crude Account in 2018.

Yes, the Tinubu government “inherited security compromises, historic injustices and institutional frailties”, as it lamented in Katsina. But that is another episode of lamentation afflicted communities cannot take to the bank, or to their homes and farms. It is high time government outgrew blame game and tackle insecurity as was promised during the 2023 campaigns. As candidate in the 2023 presidential election, Tinubu promised to end insecurity as the economy could not thrive in an insecure environment. He boasted he would apply the same approach he used in Lagos.

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He said: “I used the same approach to tackle the bad security situation that faced me when I became governor of Lagos. I created programmes and institutions to solve the real and dangerous challenges Lagos faced. I shall increase security personnel and better equip them. Advanced air and ground surveillance technology will identify, track and attack the criminals until they are utterly defeated.”

Talk is cheap. The government should walk the talk. The challenge is grim, just as the Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence Sa’ad Abubakar 111, warned at the Northwest summit, that it might take decades to get out of banditry and terrorism. If that happens, what will remain of the country is anybody’s guess.

It is generally agreed that security is local. President Tinubu should recognise the urgent need to return the country to its original federal structure and allow states and geo-political areas to manage regional security, instead of appropriating and wasting huge federal budgets but achieving little under a humongous security architecture. ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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Biafra: You lack legitimacy to negotiate for Nnamdi Kanu’s release – BRGIE to S’East govs



Biafra: You lack legitimacy to negotiate for Nnamdi Kanu’s release - BRGIE to S’East govs

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

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The Simon Ekpa-led Biafran Republic Government in-Exile, BRGIE, has told South-East governors and other leaders in the region to stay clear of negotiating for Biafra declaration and the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu with Nigeria.

Ekpa, who is known as the Prime Minister of BRGIE, disclosed this in a statement on Sunday through his official X handle.

This comes as South-East governors, lawmakers and other groups from the region and the presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the 2023 election, Mr Peter Obi recently drummed support for the release of Kanu as a panacea to peace in the region.

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However, BRGIE, headed by Ekpa, has warned the governors and the leaders against such negotiation, claiming that they lacked legitimacy.

According to him, it was only BRGIE that had the legitimate right to call for the release of Kanu and Biafra declaration.

He noted that those parading in the name of negotiating for Nnamdi Kanu’s release were sabotaging Biafra liberation.

“Those selfish politicians and traditional rulers who are now jumping up and shouting negotiation with Nigeria after sabotaging the Biafra liberation are warned never to speak again.

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“The warning will not come again; none of you have the mandate to speak for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu or Biafrans.

“We will not allow anyone to negotiate anything from tonight (Sunday).

“The Biafra Republic Government In Exile remains the only legitimate entity to do that.

“Those selfish individuals now taking center stage and shouting negotiations should stay away. Biafrans are not joking”, he said.

Recall that in the past week, the call for Kanu release resonated in the media space after Southeast governors met in Enugu State.

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In a communique read by Governor Hope Uzodinma after the meeting on July 3, 2024, the governors resolved to meet with President Bola Tinubu to secure Kanu’s release.

Ekpa on his part had also earlier in May urged the Nigerian government to engage its Finland counterpart for mediation to end the conflict in the region.

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Workers protest Tuesday, Universities boils again as FG, ASUU meet.



Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

The Academic Staff Union of Universities said it will be meeting with the Federal Government on July 25, 2024 over its unmet demands....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

This was as non-academic staff of universities declared on Sunday that they were set for a one-day protest on Tuesday on campuses over their withheld four-month salaries. The one-day protest would be a prelude to a nationwide protest planned for July 18.

The National President of ASUU, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, disclosed this in a phone interview with our correspondent on Sunday.

Osodeke said July 25 was the implementation date in the timeline agreed to with the Federal Government.

For some weeks now, ASUU chapters across campuses in the country have been engaging in protests.

The protesting academics, who were joined by students, threatened to embark on another round of industrial action if the government refused to fulfill the promises made to them.

The union also published an open letter to President Bola Tinubu, demanding the full implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Federal Government since 2009.

Osodeke emphasised that the protests yielded a positive result, saying it led to the Federal Government calling the union for a meeting and fixing a timeline to meet some of the promises.

He said, “We have met with the Minister of Education and reached a timeline. They made promises to us and we want to watch if it would be done. We are meeting two weeks from today, July 25th, to see if they have done what they promised.

“The protest made them to call us for a meeting, they should fulfill their promise.”

The letter published in a newspaper, dated June 20, 2024, said the Nigerian academics were compelled to embark on nationwide strike action on February 14, 2022, when all entreaties to the government to resolve the issues in contention fell on deaf ears.

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Osodeke said the 10 issues and other emerging ones were the conclusion of the renegotiation of the FGN/ASUU Agreement based on the Nimi Briggs Committee’s draft Agreement of 2021.

He said the agreement was on the release of withheld three and a half months’ salaries on account of the 2022 strike action; release of unpaid salaries of staff on sabbatical leave, part-time, and adjunct appointments owing to the application of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System; release of outstanding third-party deductions, such as check-off dues and cooperative contributions; funding for revitalisation of public universities (partly captured in 2023 Federal Government’s Budget).

Other issues in contention include the Earned Academic Allowances (partly captured in the 2023 Federal Government’s Budget); proliferation of universities by the federal and state governments; implementation of the reports of visitation panels to universities; Illegal dissolution of Governing Councils; and the University Transparency and Accountability Solutions (in place of IPPIS).

Osodeke said, “Your Excellency is requested to set necessary machinery in motion for bringing ASUU and major stakeholders (Ministries, Departments, and Agencies) together to address the outstanding issues in FGN/ASUU engagements since 2009. This will save our university system the agonies of another round of industrial action and its disruptive potential. The President’s promise of smooth academic calendars in universities at the inception of this administration, we believe, is achievable if the government sincerely sits down to address the issues as listed here.”

SSANU, NASU to protest Tuesday

Meanwhile, unions of non-academic staff members of the university declared on Sunday that they will be embarking on a nationwide protest starting from Thursday, July 18, 2024, over their withheld four-month salaries.

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But before that, all branches of the non-academic unions under the auspices of the Joint Action Committee would protest at each of their branches on Tuesday.

The workers, under the aegis of the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities, and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions, said their meeting with the government officials had collapsed.

The two unions operating under the auspices of the Joint Action Committee disclosed this in a circular jointly signed by the General Secretary of NASU, Peters Adeyemi, and President of SSANU, Mohammed Ibrahim, which was obtained by The PUNCH on Sunday.

The circular directed all branches of the two unions to hold a mandatory general meeting today (July 8, 2024) to sensitise members to the insensitivity of the government to their plights.

According to unions, the actions were necessitated by the failure of the Federal Government to pay their members’ withheld four-month salaries despite several meetings scheduled with the Minister of Education and its Labour counterpart.

“The national body of the Joint Action Committee of NASU and SSANU met on Thursday, 4th July 2024 to appraise and take position on the current situation in respect of the withheld four months’ salaries and other grievances of our members in the University and Inter-University Centres.

“Similarly, the National JAC, on invitation, met with the Honourable Minister of Education; Honourable Minister of State for Education; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education; other top officials of the Ministry and National Universities Commission.

“Unfortunately, after the engagement, the Minister of Education has not shown any convincing commitment to the payment of our withheld salaries and resolutions of other pending grievances of JAC of the two unions.

“It is also disheartening that the JAC was also at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment, and as usual, the Minister of State was not on seat to receive us, as we were informed that she had an urgent call from the Villa.

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“The Permanent Secretary, who stood in for her, could not make any commitment on the issues raised. In view of this disappointment and failure of the government to address the grievances of NASU and SSANU, JAC has decided on a series of industrial actions which, include the following:

“All branches of NASU and SSANU should mandatorily hold a general meeting on Monday, 8th Jul, 2024 to sensitise members to the insensitivity of the government to our plights.

“A one-day protest should hold on Tuesday, 9th July 2024 at each branch simultaneously. Every branch should ensure that all members fully participate in the protest and the press or media is adequately mobilised.

“A national protest, which will hold in Abuja on Thursday, 18th July, 2024 after which JAC will meet to announce a date when the strike action will commence. Further information will be communicated appropriately,” the circular read.

The Nigerian government had withheld the salaries of both academic and non-academic staff in Nigerian universities for taking part in an industrial action that grounded the universities for eight months in 2022.

In October, President Bola Tinubu ordered the payment of four of the eight months withheld salaries for the academic staff, leaving out the non-teaching staff.

This development resulted in a renewed rift between the non-academic staff union and the government.

Since the announcement, both SSANU and NASU have kicked against the ‘selective payments’ and asked to be included.

However, only the academic staff received the four months’ salaries paid in February. ...Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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Nigerian govt released N1.23tn for capital projects in Q3 2023



Nigerian govt released N1.23tn for capital projects in Q3 2023

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

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The Nigerian Government released N1.23 trillion to 17 ministries to execute capital projects in the third quarter of 2023.

This is according to the Budget Implementation Report for Q3, 2023 released by the Budget Office on Sunday.

The figure showed that 75.4 percent of the N5 trillion was allocated for capital expenditure in the 2023 budget

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Accordingly, from the N1.23 trillion cash backing in the referenced period, MDAs utilized N962.87 billion.

On a sectoral analysis, a breakdown of the report showed that the Ministry of Defence got the highest allocation for capital projects with a cash backing of N189.39 billion but it utilized N180.69 billion leaving a balance of N9.3 billion.

This was followed by the Ministry of Works and Housing with a total cash-backed allocation of N178.62 billion.

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It however utilised N118.65 billion leaving a balance of N57.97 billion.

The release of funds to MDAs for capital expenditure as of the third quarter of 2023 was done in tranches based on availability of resources and government priorities.

Data from the OAGF on 2023 capital performance for MDAs as of 30th September 2023 showed that a total of N1.23tn was released to MDAs and cash-backed for 2023 capital projects and programs.

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The sum of N351bn was released as the first Tranche, N331.92bn was the second Tranche and N208bn was the third Tranche. A total of N75.35bn was released as AlEs MDAs Budget and N261bn as AlEs Service Wide.

Recall that former President Muhammadu Buhari signed the N21.83 trillion 2023 budget in January last year.

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JUST IN: Netizens serious express concern as Harrysong’s estranged wife makes disturbing post



Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

Nigerians express concern as Harrysong’s estranged wife, Alexer makes a disturbing post, amid their marital crisis....Click Here To Continue Reading>>

It would be recalled that the singer and his wife’s marriage hit stormy waters after they had a falling out over various issues ranging from infidelity to his wife citing her inability to give him a male child.

harrysong’s wife alexer disturbing post
Harrysong’s estranged wife, Alexer.
Their separation had been anything but a peaceful and drama-free one.

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Harrysong’s estranged wife, Alexer sparked worry among netizens after she posted a photo of an insecticide on her page.

She had simply shared the photo of ‘Sniper’ and affixed sad emoji on it.

Netizens have expressed concern over her wellbeing and have urged people around her to check on her.

Check out reactions …
fatima_grobine wrote: “20 years old girl rushed to marry a man in his 40s because of whatever reason. Now she’s a single mom of 2. The age she married was suppose to be the age she’s enjoying her life to the fullest not being tied down with kids and so called old man she called husband. I pitied her the society she is in will so much shamed her ehn.”

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amerndarl_couture said: “She want her Ex to win? No kpai yourself ooo! Everyone Dey pass through one thing or the other”

iamlove_amilli opined: “Maybe dem don make her ambassador for sniper”

precious_ibini stated: “Who she want left those kids for 🤷‍♀️you better don’t do that”

juliette_ebube wrote: “God abeg o… someone close to her should check up on her o”

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the_smallchops_girl said: “Social media is such an insensitive place to pour out your pain”

See post below …

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FG allocated N732bn on vague empowerment projects in 2024 budget – Tracka



FG allocated N732bn on vague empowerment projects in 2024 budget - Tracka

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

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Tracka, a subsidiary of BudgIT, has said that Nigeria allocated N732 billion on vague empowerment projects higher than the N646.5 billion allocated to health projects in the 2024 national budget.

Ayomide Ladipo, the Head of Tracka disclosed this in a statement on Sunday.

Tracka maintained that Nigeria’s empowerment projects were vague and challenging to track due to their nature.

According to Tracka, the huge allocation for empowerment projects would have been channeled to curb the gap in Nigeria’s health sector having the second-highest child mortality rate in the World.

Tracka alleged that empowerment projects were used as a funnel to siphon public resources.

It noted that the National Assembly has 7,447 projects valued at N2.24 trillion in the 2024 budget.

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Further analysis of Tracka’s report also showed that over 2,558 projects worth N624 billion were allocated to agencies outside their mandate.

Accordingly, Tracka asked anti-graft agencies in Nigeria to probe these anomalies in the 2024 budget to forestall diversion, misappropriation, and embezzlement.

“Tracka maintains that empowerment projects are vague and challenging to track due to their nature. They are also used as a funnel to transfer public resources to party loyalists, resulting in the misuse of public funds.

“In the 2024 Federal Government budget, there are 4,440 empowerment projects. Previously, empowerment projects were limited to constituency projects, but over the years, they have gradually seeped into capital projects through insertions by the National Assembly. For instance, the National Assembly inserted 7,447 projects valued at N2.24 trillion in the 2024 budget.

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“Tracka identifies this as a problematic trend, considering the huge infrastructure gap and budget deficits the nation is grappling with.

“Further analysis also showed that over 2,558 projects worth N624 billion were allocated to agencies outside their mandate. An example is the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) – ERGP20241489 – allocated N5 billion for the Procurement and Distribution of Official Vehicles to Selected Traditional Rulers in the Six Geo-Political Zones in Nigeria (Multiple Lots). Another is the Nigeria Institute of Oceanography and Marine Research (NiOMR) – ERGP20245718 – allocated N2.32 billion to construct a 3.5km Road from Methodist Church Ibu to the Eri River,” the organisation said.

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BudgIT’s Country Director, Gabriel Okeowo commenting on Tracka’s discovery said, “The implications of assigning projects to agencies outside of their mandate are that it undermines monitoring, evaluation, and the sustainability of these projects.

“These agencies lack the expertise and personnel to ensure quality service delivery for these projects, leading to under-delivery and a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money and scarce resources.”

Recall that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu signed the N28.7 trillion 2024 budget into law in January this year.

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Anambra 2025: Pressure mounts on APC over zoning agreement



Anambra 2025: Pressure mounts on APC over zoning agreement

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

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Ahead of the 2025 governorship election in Anambra State, the All Progressives Congress, APC, walks a tightrope.

Anambra has an unwritten zoning arrangement for the governorship position, which rotates between the three senatorial zones in the state.

The arrangement became more pronounced in 2012 during the twilight of the administration of then governor, Mr Peter Obi.

Obi had insisted on the then ruling party, All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) producing a candidate from Anambra North as a way to make for balance, after Mbadinuju from the South had finished a four-year-term, and himself from the central senatorial zone finished eight years term.

Before then, Ngige who held sway for three years was also from central.

This prompted Obi to insist on the North, which is perceived as a minority zone in the state, to produce the next governor on the basis of equity, as it was believed that if the contest was declared open to all zones, they may never be able to have a shot at the position.

Obiano’s emergence from the North then sealed the zoning agreement and left it standing.

As Prof Chukwuma Soludo rounds off his first tenure, the clamour for governorship has heightened.

But contrary to claims of zoning, the APC seems to want to scuttle the arrangement, by insisting on throwing open the contest to all interested.

In June, a group of elders from the party under the aegis of All Progressives Congress (APC) Elders Forum, led by Chief Innocent Obi, met and reinforced the Anambra zoning formula.

The group said that if the APC would upstage the ruling party in the 2025 governorship election, it must field a southern candidate in line with the zoning agreement.

Obi said: “For me, an agreement is an agreement whether written or not. There’s a system already at work in Anambra State. Anybody who denies that is not saying the truth. As elders, we should say it the way it is.

“An arrangement is on the ground. During the 2022 election, the party that pretended that zoning is nonsense suffered for it. They suffered because someone who contested under their platform did not come from where that post should go.

“Whatever decision our party comes up with, the elders must go with them because we’re under them.

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“The elders will be pleased if the candidate comes from the South. If you ask me, the South has done four years and the South has four extra years.”

There have been various positions on the matter too.

A chieftain of the party, Mr Pope Amaefuna in a recent opinion piece insisted that any attempt by the party not to field a candidate from the South, and a popular one at that, would cost the party victory.

He said: “The politics of Anambra State has enjoyed relative stability, equity and fairness, thanks to the adoption of the zoning principle.

“Major political parties acknowledged the power rotation formula as reflected by the choice of candidates paraded in Anambra elections in the past decade.

“In reality, APC can no longer afford to continue playing opposition politics in Anambra State and all hands must be on deck to ensure a power shift in the 2025 governorship election.

“Considering the disposition of the Anambra electorate, if the APC makes the mistake of failing to field a strong and popular candidate from Anambra South in favour of parading a candidate from any other zone, then it is safe to kiss the governorship aspirations of the party goodbye as the move would truncate the remaining four years tenure of Anambra South.

“The implication is that a new candidate from any other zone might tentatively lay claims to an eight year tenure instead of four and that is the last thing any right thinking Anambra wants at this epoch.

“Very importantly, the proponents and advocates of no zoning should be wary of what they preach as they risk swallowing their own vomit.”

“Considering the political culture of Anambra State today, any party that does not abide by the zoning formula adopted by stakeholders in rotation of the governorship seat of the state stands no chance of winning the forthcoming guber poll and historical indices support this position.

“Any APC member who is currently crusading for no zoning has been compromised and commissioned to work against the party and such a character should be considered an enemy of the party who are actively working against the party interests,” Amaefuna stated.

Meanwhile, another group within the party, under the aegis of APC Progressives Media in a press release argued that the zoning arguments were aimed at misleading the Anambra APC into falling into a political trap designed to annihilate the party’s gubernatorial chances in 2025.

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The group said: “After careful examination, we have confirmed that the authors of these articles are unknown to the Anambra APC and are neither card-carrying members of the party nor affiliated with it in any way. Therefore, we can understand their ignorance about the traditions of the APC in Anambra State.

“The APC in Anambra State has no history of zoning the gubernatorial election.

“Instead, every candidate who has contested under the umbrella of the APC since its formation has done so on the strength of their popularity and acceptance within the party fold and that of the voting public.

“For instance, in 2013, when the APGA zoned its candidate to Anambra North, the APC chose its candidate from Anambra Central, with aspirants from all zones contesting in the primaries.

“Similarly, in 2017, the APC candidate won based on his popularity within the party and not due to zoning. Aspirants from all political zones contested in that primary, just like in 2013 and 2021.”

In what looked like support for the Progressives Media, the APC, Anambra State Chapter, says the party is not in for any zoning arrangement.

In a release signed by the party’s State Publicity Secretary, Dr. Valentine Iyke-Oliobi, the party dismissed those clamouring for zoning.

It brushed aside both the elders forum and Amaefuna who had previously spoken in favour of zoning, describing them as unknown to the party.

It said: “The Anambra State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) wants to categorically state that our party has no zoning arrangements whatsoever.

“Also, APC as a party was not involved in any agreement with any political party or parties as regards to zoning as being falsely peddled by the group in their publications.

“The APC has always provided a level playing field for all governorship aspirants under the platform of the party to participate irrespective of their Senatorial zones.

“This practice has not changed. We, therefore, call on well meaning members of our party to disregard the said publication insinuating any existing zoning arrangement by the APC.”

As the back and forth on zoning continues, political analysts have predicted that the party may shoot itself in the leg by attempting to scuttle the existing zoning arrangement that has run smoothly.

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Mr Chijioke Eze, a political Analyst said: “I have read the press release by both the party and the Progressives Media, and I feel compelled to say that APC in Anambra cannot be doing the same thing all over again, and expect a different result.

“They keep saying the contest has always been free to all, and each time they run, they always lose, and every four years they come back again with the same formula.

“I think it is either the party with the change mantra is not ready to change, or they are not desirous of producing a governor here.”

Also, another respondent, Dr Justin Ogoo Nwankwo said Anambra South is the beautiful bride in the 2025 governorship election in the state, and that APC must shun rhetorics and keep their eyes on equity and capacity.

Nwankwo argued that if APC must perform creditably in the election, it must field a candidate from the southern zone who can battle Soludo, and also ensure to pick a popular candidate who has the capacity to upstage the current governor.

“The fact is that the APC as a party has not won the governorship election in the state before, but evidence and data available suggest that with the right choice and strategy, the party can win Anambra State Governorship election.

“It is therefore very urgent to remind Ndi Anambra from this point of departure and especially members of our great party, APC that as a party, the APC is not rejected in Anambra State.

“This is a party that with the right motivation and balance, has always done well in gubernatorial elections.

“It is rather, the lack of circumspect by some party leaders or of the basic principles of power sharing by the stakeholders that continually places the fate of the party in oblivion.

“We therefore call for APC Anambra to project two key indicators heading into the most important election in the life of the party, which are Equity and Capacity,” he added.

So far, two members of the party have indicated their interests in vying for the ticket.

They include Senator Andy Ubah, a serving senator of the party who hails from Anambra South, and Mr Paul Chukwuma, a former National Auditor of the party from Anambra North zone.

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NOA raises fresh alarm over fake news, hate speech in Nigeria



NOA raises fresh alarm over fake news, hate speech in Nigeria

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

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The National Orientation Agency (NOA) has again identified spread of fake news and hate speech as major threats to peace and progress in the country.

The agency, which lamented that many consumers of news in the country did not verify them before accepting or disseminating them, said such ugly trends could spark rancour in the grassroots and the society at large.

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The State Director, Abia State Directorate of NOA, Mrs Regina Iroha said this when she led her management team on a courtesy visit to the palace of the traditional ruler of Ovukwu Abam autonomous community in Arochukwu LGA, Eze Sunday Kalu Okpi.

Mrs Iroha, who said that NOA was a major bridge between the Federal government and the Nigerian citizens, urged every community to seek and maintain peace and avoid every form of misinformation which retards development.

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The Director informed the traditional ruler and his cabinet that NOA had been visiting major stakeholders, sending the message of building a people of peace.

She urged the people to constantly verify every information or fact-check the content of any news story that could be misleading to avoid strife and rancor in the society.

In his response, the traditional ruler of Ovukwu Abam autonomous community, His Royal Highness Eze Sunday Kalu Okpi commended the pivotal role of NOA in bringing the government closer to the people, especially those in the hinterlands.

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He lamented the negative effects of fake news and hate speech, and promised to further sensitize his subjects about the consequences.

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Nigerian Newspapers: 10 things you need to know Monday morning



Nigerian Newspapers: 10 things you need to know Saturday morning

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

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Good morning! Here is today’s summary from Nigerian Newspapers:

1. President Bola Tinubu has been re-elected as the chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), about one year after he took over the leadership of the regional bloc. Tinubu was first elected to the position in Guinea-Bissau on July 9, 2023.

2. The Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, will swear-in 12 new judges of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, on Wednesday. A statement by the Director of Press and Information at the Supreme Court, Dr. Festus Akande, said the event will hold by 10 am at the main courtroom of the Supreme Court.

3. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has appealed the ruling of a Federal High Court, Abuja, which acquitted Abiodun Agbele, an aide of former Ekiti State governor, Ayodele Fayose, and three others, in the N1.219 billion money laundering charge brought against them by the commission.

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4. Fuel scarcity is gradually surfacing in Lagos and other parts of the country as private depot owners hiked the ex-depot price of petrol from N630 to N720 per litre. This came as fuel scarcity worsened in Abuja and the adjoining states on Sunday with some filling stations dispensing PMS as high as N900/litre.

5. A 40-year-old woman named Rafiat Sheriff and her seven-year-old daughter, Asisat Sheriff, were killed in a gas explosion at their home on Church Street, along Èbúté Road, in the Ibafo area of Ogun State. It was learnt that the incident, which occurred at about 8:30 pm on Saturday, left two other persons with varying degrees of injuries.

6. The Kwara State Police Command has arrested a 46-year-old ritualist while attempting to slaughter a 10-year-old boy hawking pepper in Ilorin, Kwara State capital. The suspect identified as Isiaka Adeniyi was arrested on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at the Oke-Foma area in Ilorin West Local Government Area of the state.

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7. Operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency have arrested a community head in Osun State, Ige Babatunde, for alleged possession of cannabis plants. He was arrested with fresh cannabis plants weighing five kilograms. A corps member, identified as Yusuf Abdulrahman, was also arrested with a Loud consignment which weighed 1.250kg at a corpers’ lodge in Kano State.

8. Workers in the Nigerian universities, on Sunday, declared a nationwide protest starting from Thursday July 18, 2024, over their 4 months withheld salaries. The workers, under the aegis of Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU), and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions, said their meeting with the government officials have collapsed.

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9. A Federal High Court sitting in Lagos has ordered Ms Sadia Umar-Farouk, former Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disasters Management and Social Development to account for payments of N729 billion to 24.3 million poor Nigerians for six months. The court also ordered her to provide the list and details of the beneficiaries who received the payments, the number of states covered and the payments per state.

10. The Kaduna State Police Command on Sunday confirmed the kidnapping of two journalists and their families in Kaduna, Saturday night, at the Danhonu community in Millennium City, Kaduna. Spokesperson of the command, Mansir Hassan, said police operatives were trying their best to secure their releases.

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July 2024
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You Will Notice Pains In These 4 Parts Of Your Body If Your BLOOD Sugar Increase – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE You Will Notice Pains In These 4 Parts Of Your Body If Your BLOOD Sugar Increase – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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You May Experience Pains In These 4 Parts of Your Body If Your Blood Sugar Increased

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo High blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, is a common issue for people with diabetes....

Garden Egg Garden Egg
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Give it a TRY! No Need For Dialysis If You Are Suffering From Kidney Problem, See How to Use Garden Egg Leaf

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Kidney Problems: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment...Click Here To Continue Reading Kidney problems encompass a variety...

If You Are Suffering From Any Of These 9 Dangerous Diseases, Just Eat Okra – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE If You Are Suffering From Any Of These 9 Dangerous Diseases, Just Eat Okra – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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Exceptional Health Benefits of Eating Okra

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Okra, often referred to as “lady’s finger,” is more than just a staple in many...

If You Consume This 4 Meals Frequently, Your CANCER Risk Will Surely Reduce – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE If You Consume This 4 Meals Frequently, Your CANCER Risk Will Surely Reduce – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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Cancer? Consume These 4 Meals Frequently

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, diet plays an integral role. The saying ”...

Boil Guava And Plantains Leaves, Drain And Drink The Water To Enjoy These Amazing Health Benefits – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE Boil Guava And Plantains Leaves, Drain And Drink The Water To Enjoy These Amazing Health Benefits – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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You Can Boil Guava And Plantains Leaves, Drain And Drink The Water To Enjoy These Amazing Health Benefits

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Boil Guava And Plantains Leaves, Drain And Drink The Water To Enjoy These Amazing Health...

STOP Eating These 4 Nigerian Foods Before BED, It Can Completely Damage Your DIGESTIVE System – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE STOP Eating These 4 Nigerian Foods Before BED, It Can Completely Damage Your DIGESTIVE System – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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Do You Know Eating These 4 Nigerian Foods Before Bedtime Can Completely Damage Your Digestive System?

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo A healthy digestive system is crucial for overall well- being, and the foods we eat...

WARNING TO Beer Drinkers!!! You Will Limit The Intake Of It Quickly After Knowing These 10 Deadly Facts – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE WARNING TO Beer Drinkers!!! You Will Limit The Intake Of It Quickly After Knowing These 10 Deadly Facts – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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Beer Drinkers, Why You Must Limit The Intake of It Quickly After These 10 Deadly Facts

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BE CAREFUL! 7 Activities To Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE BE CAREFUL! 7 Activities To Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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For Hypertension, Naturals Ways To Reduce It Quickly With Herbs

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Hypertension, or tall blood weight, could be a unremitting condition where the constrain of blood...

ALO VERA And LEMON Extract Can Completely Flush These 5 Deadly Diseases Out Of Your Body, See How It Works – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE ALO VERA And LEMON Extract Can Completely Flush These 5 Deadly Diseases Out Of Your Body, See How It Works – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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Method: Lemon and Alo Vera Extract Can Completely Flush These 5 Deadly Diseases Out of Your Body

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo In the realm of natural remedies, few combinations stand as powerful and versatile as aloe...

REVEALED! ! Check Out 4 Natural Remedies Ready In 3 Minutes That Can Completely Cure HEADACHE – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE REVEALED! ! Check Out 4 Natural Remedies Ready In 3 Minutes That Can Completely Cure HEADACHE – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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HEADACHE: 4 Natural Remedies Ready In 3 Minutes That Can Completely Cure it

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Headaches are a common ailment that can strike at any time, leaving you in pain...

Menstrual cups: Experts weigh pros, cons, misconceptions Menstrual cups: Experts weigh pros, cons, misconceptions
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Menstrual cups: Experts weigh pros, cons, misconceptions

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo  ...Click Here To Continue Reading A growing trend among women is the switch from clothes,...

5 Surprising Reasons Why Your VAGINA May Be EXPANDING Beyond Normal – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE 5 Surprising Reasons Why Your VAGINA May Be EXPANDING Beyond Normal – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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5 Dangerous Things You Should Stop Doing If You Have A Smelling Private Part

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Maintaining good hygiene and health in the genital area is crucial, especially if you notice...

Be Careful When Eating PIZZA !!! See Dangerous DISEASES It Causes When Consumed It Every Week – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE Be Careful When Eating PIZZA !!! See Dangerous DISEASES It Causes When Consumed It Every Week – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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Be Careful When Eating PIZZA !!! See Dangerous DISEASES It Causes

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Pizza is without a doubt one of the foremost adored nourishments around the world. Its...

3 Dangerous Soups You Should Avoid If You Don’t Want To Have Diabetes, Don’t Miss It – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE 3 Dangerous Soups You Should Avoid If You Don’t Want To Have Diabetes, Don’t Miss It – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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If You Don’t Want To Have Diabetes, Avoid These 3 Dangerous Soups

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for preventing and managing diabetes. While soups are generally...

BEWARE! Here Are 7 Mistakes We Make In The Kitchen That Are Dangerous To Our Health – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE BEWARE! Here Are 7 Mistakes We Make In The Kitchen That Are Dangerous To Our Health – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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Here Are 7 Mistakes We Make In The Kitchen That Are Dangerous To Our Health

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo The kitchen is the heart of the home, where we prepare meals and gather with...

HEALTH INSUR BEWARE EVERYONE! Common Ingredients That Can Cause Kidney Diseases, Check Them Out – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE HEALTH INSUR BEWARE EVERYONE! Common Ingredients That Can Cause Kidney Diseases, Check Them Out – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
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Common Ingredients That Can Cause Kidney Diseases

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Kidney health is vital for overall well- being, as these organs play a crucial role...

Paw Paw Is A Quick Healer But NEVER Eat It With These Foods If You Want To Live Long – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE Paw Paw Is A Quick Healer But NEVER Eat It With These Foods If You Want To Live Long – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE
Health3 days ago

PawPaw Is A fast Healer But Don’t Eat It With These Fruits

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Papaya could be a tropical natural product local to Mexico and Central America, known for...

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A Cup of Onion Ginger And Garlic Daily To Cure The Following Disease

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Onion, ginger, and garlic are some of the most commonly used ingredients in the kitchen....

Okra Okra
Health6 days ago

Uses and Sexual Benefits of Okra Water In Men And Women

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Sexual benefits of Okra water include sexual wellness by balancing hormones, improving blood circulation, and...

Health6 days ago

Never You Under Estimate These 8 Benefits Of Drinking Unripe Pawpaw Water

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Pawpaw is a fruit Botanically known as papaya, it is grows virtually everywhere within the...

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8 exceptional health benefits of eating tiger nuts

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo In recent years, there has been a growing interest in incorporating nutrient-dense and plant-based foods...

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You can detox your body system with these 5 traditional Nigerian herbs

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Detox at least once a month for a healthy, toxin-free system ....Click Here To Continue...

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You May Never Get Sick Again with These Immunity Boosting Foods

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo While there are no guarantees that you’ll never get sick, a strong immune system is...

Cocoyam Cocoyam
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Health Problems You Never Knew Cocoyam Could Manage or Prevent

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo According to healthline the cocoyam, or taro root, is a perennial plant native to the...

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These 5 Teas Can Help You Live Longer And Reduce The Risk Of Chronic Diseases

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo 1. Green Tea: Brimming with antioxidants like catechins...Click Here To Continue Reading , green tea...

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Get Familiar with These 15 Best Nigerian Herbs for Wellness

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Beyond just adding flavor to foods, many fresh herbs confer amazing evidence-based health benefits. Nigerian...

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Foods You Should Avoid If You Suffer From Overactive Bladder and Frequent Urination

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Certain feasts and beverages can exasperate your side effects on the off chance that you...

