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BREAKING: Man Kills Girlfriend With Electric Saw, Eats Her Heart And Brain



TRAGIC HISTORY! Man Kills Girlfriend With Electric Saw, Eats Her Heart And Brain; See What Happened Next – HEARD VOICE NEWS ONLINE

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

A deranged” cannibal killer” has been convicted of brutally murdering his former girlfriend with an electric saw before consuming parts of her heart and brain.

Joseph Oberhansley, 39, has finally been held accountable for his horrific crime, six years after the gruesome incident.

Oberhansley murdered Tammy Jo Blanton in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and now faces a life sentence in prison. In 2014, he broke into the home of the 46-year-old victim and killed her in a horrific manner.

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Police discovered parts of her skull on a dinner plate, while the rest of her dismembered body was found in the bathtub.

The crime scene was described as a

bloodbath, with blood everywhere.”

Tammy Jo’s friends reported her missing after she failed to show up at work, leading to the gruesome discovery.

Prosecutors at Oberhansley’s trial depicted the crime scene as “worse than a horror movie.

During the attack, Oberhansley used power tools to saw open Blanton’s chest and skull, later admitting to cannibalism. Initially, his lawyers argued that two unknown burglars were responsible for the crime.

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However, Clark County prosecutor Jeremy Mull convinced the jury that only Oberhansley could have committed such an atrocity.

“Mull emphasized the brutality of the attack, stating, She suffered so many indignities that night.’

“She was terrified, she was stabbed, she was dismembered, she was eaten, and she was raped. And the justice for each of those acts of indignities is important if it is proven. It’ s what justice demands.”

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Ultimately, Oberhansley was found guilty of murder and burglary, but he was acquitted of the rape charge. He had previously rejected his defense team’s insanity plea, leading to the trial’ s commencement in August.

Before the Jeffersonville incident, Oberhansley had already served 12years in a Utah prison for killing his girlfriend and shooting his mother. He had also attempted to take his own life but survived the suicide attempt.

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President Bola Tinubu, First Lady Demand Urgent Need for Public Apology From Minister Nyesom Wike to the Mental Health Community



Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

Mr. Bola Tinubu, What Is Really Making You Afraid to Address Minister Wike’s Flagrant Disregard for Our Nation’s Values, Constitution, Anthem, and the Ethos Embodied in Our National Flag? A Demanding Cry for Presidential Action to Elicit a Public Apology from Minister Nyesom Wike to the Mental Health Community

As a psychologist deeply committed to the psychological well-being of our nation, Nigeria, I write with a profound sense of urgency concerning a recent public statement by Mr. NyesomWike, the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, that has caused considerable distress within the mental health community and the broader public.

During the inauguration of the Mabushi Bus Terminal in Abuja on July 1st, 2024, Minister Wike’s response to criticism from Senator Ireti Kingibe was not only shocking but also deeply alarming. His callous suggestion that the senator should “go and hang yourself in a transformer” if she was unhappy with his administration’s performance is a stark illustration of the dangerous trivialization of suicide by a senior government official. This incident is a chilling reminder of the pervasive insensitivity towards mental health issues that continues to plague our society.

In a nation already reeling from an escalating mental health crisis, as highlighted by The Punch Editorial Board, Minister Wike’s words are particularly damaging. They come at a time when Nigeria is grappling with a disturbing increase in suicide rates, with tragic incidents such as the case of Toluige Olokoobiserving as a somber testament to the depth of despair faced by individuals suffering from depression and other mental health conditions. The loss of 79 lives to suicide in 2022 is a stark indicator of the urgent need for a compassionate and proactive approach to mental health.

Minister Wike’s remark is not just insensitive; it is a reflection of a broader societal failure to recognize the gravity of mental health challenges and to respond with the empathy and resources required. It underscores the critical need for government officials to lead by example, demonstrating a profound understanding of the impact of their words and actions on the mental well-being of the nation. The callous dismissal of suicide as a subject of jest or retort is unacceptable and must be addressed with the seriousness it demands.

The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies suicide as a leading cause of death among the youth globally, with depression and mental illness often culminating in tragic outcomes. In Nigeria, the prevalent method of suicide by pesticide ingestion—which led to the temporary restriction on the sale of the Sniper pesticide brand—underscores the urgency of addressing this issue. The scarcity of mental health professionals, with only about 200 experts available for over 60 million Nigerians living with mental health conditions, exacerbates the challenge.

Minister Wike’s casual remark about suicide is not only insensitive but also potentially harmful. It trivializes the pain of those who have lost loved ones to suicide and undermines the efforts of those advocating for a more compassionate approach to mental health. Such statements risk normalizing a dismissive attitude toward suicide, further stigmatizing mental health issues, and potentially influencing vulnerable individuals in dire ways.

I must stress that my concern is not borne out of any personal affiliation with you, Mr. Wike, or Senator Kingibe, but rather from my professional commitment to promoting healthy African democracies where the mental health of citizens is a cornerstone of societal progress.

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The public perception is that there is a reluctance to address Mr. Wike’s behavior, which has been a source of contention in various spheres, including his conflicts with activists and the current Rivers State government. There are speculations about the nature of his relationship with your administration, suggesting that he may have played a significant role in securing your electoral victory, helping to win Rivers State, and that this may be influencing the response to his actions. However, regardless of any political alliances or contributions, the issue of suicide and the abuse of females are matters that cannot be taken lightly or overlooked.

Internationally, how we handle this situation will reflect on Nigeria’s commitment to human rights, gender equality, and the mental health of its citizens. It is crucial that Mr. Wike’s statement is met with a firm and unequivocal response that underscores the gravity of the issue and the need for a culture of empathy and support.

The Federal Capital Territory, as the nexus of governance and a focal point for international bodies and humanitarian agencies, inherently embodies the ethos of our nation. It is imperative that this pivotal space exemplifies the highest standards of compassion and understanding. As the Minister of the FCT, Mr. Wike occupies a position of considerable influence, one that imbues his words and actions with significant power. It is crucial, therefore, that his conduct consistently reflects the core values of empathy and respect that are foundational to our collective aspirations as a nation.

The impact of Mr. Wike’s recent statement during the inauguration of the Mabushi Bus Terminal starkly underscores the profound responsibility that accompanies such leadership roles. When senior public officials speak, their words resonate far beyond the immediate context, shaping perceptions and influencing the public psyche. This is especially true in situations where the audience includes vulnerable individuals who may be grappling with psychological challenges. In such cases, the words of a leader can either offer solace and understanding or exacerbate feelings of isolation and despair.

Mr. Wike’s casual reference to suicide not only trivializes a grave public health issue but also risks normalizing such distressing discourse, potentially deepening the struggles of those already at risk. This sort of rhetoric can undermine the efforts of mental health professionals who work tirelessly to combat stigma and provide support, sending a conflicting message about the seriousness with which mental health issues are regarded at the governmental level.

Moreover, the incident reveals a troubling disregard for the professionalism and dedication of mental health workers. These professionals commit their lives to supporting individuals in psychological distress, often under challenging circumstances. When public figures speak lightly of mental health crises, it not only diminishes the perceived value of this important work but can also deter individuals from seeking the help they desperately need.

In this light, the power of words, especially those uttered by individuals in leadership positions, cannot be overstated. Leaders have the ability to shape societal norms and influence public morale with their rhetoric. As such, it is imperative that every statement made by public officials, particularly those in high offices like Mr. Wike’s, is weighed with consideration for its broader implications. This includes fostering an environment where mental health is taken seriously, where professional advice is sought and respected, and where every citizen feels valued and supported.

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The Federal Capital Territory, under Mr. Wike’s stewardship, should thus strive to be a beacon of empathy and respect, mirroring the dignity and care that should characterize our society. It is essential that leaders within this influential district lead by example, promoting a culture of understanding and sensitivity that reaffirms our national commitment to the well-being of all Nigerians.

President Tinubu, you have the unique opportunity to set a precedent in dealing with such matters. A public and unequivocal apology from Mr. Wike is necessary—it must not only recognize the distress his comments have caused but also reflect a sincere commitment to change, promoting broader awareness of mental health issues and fostering a supportive environment for those affected.

I urge First Lady Remi, known for her dedication to social causes, to advocate for enhanced mental health discourse in Nigeria. Her influence is invaluable in reinforcing the importance of sensitive and supportive communication, particularly from those in leadership positions.

Furthermore, the disrespect inherent in Mr. Wike’s statement is compounded by the fact that it was directed at a female senator in a society where women are often undervalued and underrepresented in political spheres. This not only reflects poorly on the Minister’s character but also sends a troubling message about the treatment of women in leadership positions.

The Federal Capital Territory should exemplify our nation’s values, emphasizing compassion, understanding, and respect for all individuals. It is vital that the actions and words of our leaders align with these principles, setting a standard for the rest of the country.

In this critical juncture, we look to you, Mr. President, to personify the resilience and compassion that are the hallmarks of our nation’s leadership. The incident involving Mr. Wike is a clarion call for us to reaffirm the enduring values of empathy, respect, and accountability that must transcend the political fray and personal loyalties within the upper echelons of our government. By insisting on a heartfelt apology from Mr. Wike and by reaffirming your administration’s unwavering commitment to bolstering mental health initiatives and the empowerment of women, you can bring solace and optimism to the many who have been wounded by this distressing episode.

Your response to this critical matter is not just a reflection of your leadership but a testament to the ethical compass of our nation. It can serve as a powerful reassurance to the public that your dedication to the mental health and dignity of every citizen is steadfast and impervious to the influence of political alliances. This is a moment of reckoning, an opportunity for you to unequivocally demonstrate that no individual, irrespective of their power or position, is above the responsibility to safeguard the dignity and well-being of the Nigerian populace. Such decisive action will not only redress the immediate harm inflicted by the statement but also set a precedent for ethical leadership and compassionate governance that will resonate through the ages. It will unequivocally declare to the world that Nigeria is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of care and respect for all its citizens, leaving an indelible mark on the legacy of your administration.

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However, if for some deep-seated reasons you still harbor any hesitation or fear to critique Mr. Wike as anyone else would be critiqued, consider enlisting the support of key figures within your administration, such as the first lady, your advisers on social matters, or even Ajuri Ngelale, your Special Adviser on Media and Publicity. These individuals can play a crucial role in conveying the seriousness of the issue and the need for a public apology and reflection on the part of Mr. Wike.

You cannot afford to feign ignorance of this issue, treating the concerns and well-being of Nigerians as if they are of little consequence. The very foundation of the public’s trust in your leadership is in jeopardy, and it is incumbent upon you to address this matter with the gravity and immediacy it commands. By taking decisive and meaningful action, you will not only champion the core values of your administration but also fortify the trust and confidence of the Nigerian populace in their leadership

Thank you for contemplating this critical issue with the profound depth it warrants. It kindles within me a beacon of hope that together, we can cultivate a society where the seeds of understanding and compassion are sown into the rich soil of our collective consciousness, particularly as we engage in public discourse on the paramount issues of mental health and suicide prevention, and the myriad challenges faced by women. By nurturing these seeds, we can grow a verdant garden of empathy and safety, providing a sanctuary for all Nigerians to thrive in a world where no individual believes themselves to be above the sacred principles enshrined in our constitution.

As the nation and I eagerly await your direct response, we hold onto the belief that your leadership will guide us towards a brighter future, one where every voice is heard, and every life is valued. Your words and actions have the power to shape the narrative of our society, and it is with bated breath that we anticipate your stance on this pressing matter.

Prof. John Egbeazien Oshodi
Professor John Egbeazien Oshodi, born in Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria, is an American-based police and prison scientist, forensic psychologist, public policy psychologist, and legal psychologist. He’s a government advisor on forensic-clinical psychological services in the USA and the founder of the Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi Foundation for Psychological Health. With a significant role in introducing forensic psychology to Nigeria through N.U.C. and Nasarawa State University, he’s also a former Secretary-General of the Nigeria Psychological Association. He’s taught at esteemed institutions like Florida Memorial University, Florida International University, Nova Southeastern University, and more, and is currently an online faculty member at WeldiosUniversity, Nexus International University, and Walden University.

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BREAKING: Petrol Hits ₦937 Per Litre, Fears It May Soon Reach ₦1000



NBS Says Petrol Hits ₦937 Per Litre, Fears It May Soon Reach ₦1000

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has reported that the average retail price of petrol in May 2024 was ₦769.62 per litre, with Jigawa State recording the highest price of ₦937.50 per litre.

This represents a significant increase of 223.21% compared to May 2023 (₦238.11) and a 9.75% rise from April 2024 (₦701.24).

The steady increase in petrol prices commenced after the subsidy removal by President Bola Tinubu on May 29, 2023.

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Titled: “Premium Motor Spirit (Petrol) Price Watch (May 2024),” the NBS report stated on State by State profile analysis that Jigawa, had the highest average retail price for the commodity at ₦937.50, followed by Ondo and Benue States with ₦882.67 and N882.22, respectively.

On the other side, Lagos, Niger and Kwara States had the lowest average retail prices, at ₦636.80, ₦642.16 and ₦645.15 respectively.

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Lastly, on the Zonal profile, the North-West Zone had the highest average retail price of ₦845.26, while the North Central Zone had the lowest price of ₦695.04.

According to NBS, with the removal of petrol subsidies, the inflation rate rose to as high as 33.95 per cent as of May, with food inflation as high as 40 per cent.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has reported that petrol prices are approaching ₦1,000 per litre in the Northern region, despite the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) announcing that it will maintain its current prices at its retail outlets nationwide.

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NNPCL’s retail outlets currently sell petrol at around ₦568 per litre, which is a significant increase from the ₦238 per litre recorded in May 2023, according to NBS data.

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Nigerian government must act fast to stop investors from leaving in droves — Dangote



‘No growth will happen’ – Dangote kicks against CBN’s interest rate

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

Aliko Dangote, the President, Dangote Industries Ltd has identified solutions to sustaining existing local and foreign investments as well as attracting new investors into the country.

Dangote gave the solutions in a keynote speech delivered at the opening of a three-Day Nigeria Manufacturers Summit with the theme,” Rethinking Manufacturing in Nigeria”.

The summit, held at the Banquet Hall, State House, Abuja, was declared opened by Vice President Kashim Shettima.

The Africa richest man said, to arrest investors from leaving the country in droves and attract new ones, the Federal Government must initiate deliberate industrial policies that assure investors of support and protection.

According to him, such policies are the greatest incentives for all existing investors, manufacturers, both local and foreign.

The industrialist also noted that foreign investors, manufacturers would be attracted only when they see that local investors are also doing well.

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According to him, what attracts foreign investment is not when the President or any other government agencies go outside the country to seek for foreign investment.

“I am recommending that government policies should support, protect existing industries so that others will know that their investments will also be protected.

” Is there any better incentives than that ? I don’t think so.

“So, I humbly summit that an industrial policy that assures investors of support and protection is the greatest incentives for all investors both local and foreign,” he said.

Dangote also underscored the importance of stable and affordable power, as well accessible financing to sustaining and attracting investors and manufacturers.

He said stable, affordable power and access to finance by manufacturers and investors would guarantee growth, industrialisation and prosperity.

According to him, import dependent economy is equivalent to importing poverty and exporting jobs.

He further said that when government policies become more supportive and protective, investors would be more willing to collaborate and partner with government.

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” This will help in resolving others challenges such as infrastructure deficit, market instability and market economic issues such as inflation and foreign exchange volatility.

“However, ignoring all these facts is what give rise to insecurity, banditry, kidnappings and abject poverty in the land,” he said

On Bank loans to investors, Dangote said that the current 30 per cent interest rates is stifling growth and there is no way anybody can create jobs.

The business magnate, however, expressed the optimism that Nigeria has all it takes to develop and sustain a globally competitive manufacturing sector.

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“To do so, we must rethink our industrialisation policy. We must look to leading countries in the West and the East who are actually protecting their domestic industries.

“We must similarly, introduce policies to protect our domestic industries and nurture them into home champions that will create the jobs and prosperity we desperately need.

” The time to rethink our industrial policy is now,” Dangote said.

He reiterated that manufacturing remains the key driver in the nation’s quest to economic development and self sufficiency.

Dangote added that the strengths of a country’s manufacturing sector determines its capacity to compete in global trade.

Also speaking at the event, a former Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Olusegun Aganga, appealed to President Bola Tinubu to declare manufacturing, a national priority sector.

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Minimum Wage: SSANU condemns slow pace in concluding negotiation



Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo


The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities, SSANU, has condemned the slow pace by government in concluding negotiation process on new national minimum wage for workers in the country.

Mohammed Ibrahim, National President of SSANU said this in a communique issued on Tuesday in Abuja at the 48th Regular National Executive Council, NEC, meeting held in University of Benin, Edo State.

In a copy of the communiqué was made available to newsmen on Tuesday in Abuja, Ibrahim said the “NEC is seriously peeved and irritated by the dodgy and slow pace of government” in concluding the negotiation process.

“The cost of living has skyrocketed due to hyper-inflation making it near impossible for workers to cope with the current economic situation.

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“NEC, therefore, requests government to comply with the demands of labour and hasten the process of negotiation.

“They should also approve and implement a New National Minimum wage that will be domesticated by both states, local governments and the organised private sector.

“If this is not urgently done, SSANU will join forces with other labour unions to shut down the system, ”he said.

He said NEC also deliberated on the irregular payment of N35,000 wage award to federal civil servants primarily meant to cushion the agonising effects of fuel subsidy removal pending the approval and implementation of a new National minimum wage.

He, therefore, called on the federal government to immediately resume the payment of the wage award alongside the accrued three months arrears without further delay.

The national president also called on the federal government to pay the association members’ withheld four months salary arrears.

“NEC in session deliberated on the matter and unanimously approved a long drawn comprehensive industrial action after concurrence with the Joint Action Committee meeting of SSANU and NASU.

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“The meeting is scheduled for Thursday 4th July, 2024, if Government fails to pay the four months salary arrears,”he said.

Ibrahim also said NEC called on government to, as a matter of urgency, reconstitute a new Committee for the renegotiation of the SSANU/FGN 2009 Agreement as the issue was long overdue.

He frowned at the non-appointment of educationist and experienced technocrats who could have contributed better to the development of the citadels of learning.

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Ibrahim also called for the funding of the university system in the country.

“Many of these universities, especially at the state level, face challenges of course accreditation, while in some cases, staffers languish in abject poverty due to non-payment of salaries for several months.

“Abia State University workers are been owed 13 months salary arrears while those in Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma are being selectively paid,” he said.

He urged government to immediately commence aggressive rehabilitation of roads nationwide.

Ibrahim also said NEC condemned recently the plan by government to borrow from the contributory Pension Funds to fund national infrastructure.

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Nigerians spend over N16.5trn annually on fuel, servicing generator – Adebayo Adelabu



Nigerians spend over N16.5trn annually on fuel, servicing generator – Adelabu

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo


The Minister of Power, Adebayo Adelabu, has said that Nigerians spends N16.5 trillion annually on fuel and the servicing of generators.

Adelabu made this known on Tuesday at the ongoing NOG Energy Week in Abuja.

The minister attributed his assertion to research in 2023. However, he did not give the exact details but rather compared the figure to the 225 per cent electricity tariff hike of April 3, 2024.

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“What Nigerians spend on self-generation of power—on fueling and servicing their generators—is N16.5 trillion, according to research that was carried out in 2023. Looking at this, you will see that what Band A customers pay is still cheaper compared to this, despite having 24-hour uninterrupted supply,” he said.

He further declared that “over $1 billion in investments have been placed into renewable energy sources by foreign lenders and institutions,” adding that his ministry, under the guide and support of President Tinubu, is making giant strides in energy and gas developments.

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Vice-President Kashim Shettima demands prioritisation of local content, Made-in-Nigeria goods



Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

Vice-President Kashim Shettima on Tuesday called for the prioritisation of local content and promotion of Made-in-Nigeria products.

Mr Shettima made the call while declaring open a three-day National Manufacturing Policy Summit at the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

He said that Executive Order 003 which makes the patronage of locally manufactured products mandatory was still in effect.

“Let us be reminded that we cannot achieve significant progress in our drive for industrialisation unless we deliberately promote the production of capital goods.

“We must be focused on expanding our production base, prioritizing local content, and promoting made-in-Nigeria products.

“I want to assure you that Executive Order No 003 – Support for Local Content in Public Procurement by the Federal Government, which mandates the patronage of locally manufactured products is still in effect.

“The relevant government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) are mandated to fully comply with the order,”’ Mr Shettima said.

The vice-president emphasised that Nigeria has no better option than to support its indigenous firms to produce locally and increase their capabilities.

He said the summit offered the opportunity to re-evaluate the challenges confronting the sector and proffer solutions that would resolve them.

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The vice-president said that a competitive manufacturing sector would reduce the inequities in the nation’s economy as well as over-dependence on imports.

Mr Shettima added, “Our proposal to minimize the economic imbalances in the nation is based on strengthening the production base of our economy, particularly in manufacturing.

“Most of our setbacks as a nation, as each of you knows, are due to over-dependence on imports for even our basic necessities.

“That is why we need you to address the various challenges facing the sector and ensure we have a competitive manufacturing sector.”

Mr Shettima, who expressed satisfaction with what he saw during a tour of the exhibition, said he was convinced more than ever of Nigeria’s industrial capabilities, creativity, and innovation.

He stressed the role of manufacturing in driving the nation’s wealth, job creation, living standards, and revenue generation.

Mr Shettima said, “This explains why President Bola Tinubu is focused on accelerating infrastructure projects, including roads, ports and energy supply.

“It is essential to expedite the delivery of infrastructure projects that will enable the sector to leap forward and thrive.”

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He identified five pillars of the summit, which he said are a clear road-map for stimulating the manufacturing sector.

The vice-president pointed out that it was imperative to enact meaningful change and develop industries by addressing critical issues under each of these pillars.

He said, ” These include up-scaling productivity and competitiveness, energy security and infrastructure development, improving the macroeconomic environment and ease of doing business, and promoting Made-in-Nigeria products.

“And local content development, and leveraging regional and continental trade for export development.”

Mr Shettima assured that the Federal government would join forces with the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria to come up with an actionable road-map and policy framework that would refurbish the nation’s manufacturing sector.

According to him, the road-map and policy framework would be speedily implemented to effect the needed changes that will revamp the sector.

He regretted that the sector, which has a crucial role to play in building a nation driven by production and abundance, had endured a series of setbacks over the past decades.

Mr Shettima said, ” I implore us all to leverage this summit to develop an actionable roadmap and policy framework, ready for immediate implementation, to create the changes we want in the manufacturing sector.

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” I assure you that we shall always maintain an open-door policy to accommodate your needs and expectations.”

Earlier, the President of MAN, Otunba Meshioye, expressed gratitude to Tinubu, for the unique opportunity and his magnanimity to host the summit in the State House.

He said since the association opened communication with the office of the vice-president, they have been receiving tremendous support and collaboration from the Presidency.

Mr Meshioye said the summit was organised to interrogate the evidence behind the constraints demeaning the performances of the industrial sector and to think and agree with the government on what to do to address them.

He said, “The ultimate goal of the meeting is to reposition the sector on the path of accelerated growth, enhance its competitiveness and reap its multiplier effect on the economy and the wellbeing of the citizenry.

” The prevailing microeconomic environment places severe strains on the manufacturing sector,” adding, “this is adversely affecting jobs and people’s livelihoods of the citizens.”

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JUST IN: Nigerian Government to partner MAN on roadmap to revamp manufacturing sector



Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

The Federal Government on Tuesday said it is ready to join forces with the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) to come up with an actionable roadmap and policy framework that would revamp the nation’s manufacturing sector.

The Vice President, Kashim Shettima, gave the assurance, saying if presented, the roadmap and policy framework would be speedily implemented to effect the needed changes that will revamp the sector.

The VP, who disclosed this while declaring open a three-day National Manufacturing Policy Summit at the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja, regretted that the sector, which has a crucial role to play in building a nation driven by production and abundance, had endured a series of setbacks over the past decades.

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“I implore us all to leverage this summit to develop an actionable roadmap and policy framework, ready for immediate implementation, to create the changes we want in the manufacturing sector.

“I assure you that we shall always maintain an open-door policy to accommodate your needs and expectations,” Shettima stated.

The Vice President also called for the prioritisation of local content and promotion of made-in-Nigeria products, noting that Executive Order 003 which makes the patronage of locally manufactured products mandatory is still in effect.

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“Let us be reminded that we cannot achieve significant progress in our drive for industrialisation unless we deliberately promote the production of capital goods. We must be focused on expanding our production base, prioritizing local content, and promoting made-in-Nigeria products.

“I want to assure you that Executive Order No 003 – Support for Local Content in Public Procurement by the Federal Government, which mandates the patronage of locally manufactured products is still in effect. The relevant government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) are mandated to fully comply with the order,” he declared.

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Shettima observed that as a country in Africa, “a continent that has languished at the bottom of the global value chain, with its share of global manufacturing at less than two percent,” Nigeria has no better option than to support its indigenous firms to produce locally and increase their capabilities.

The summit, according to him, offers the opportunity to re-evaluate the challenges confronting the sector and proffer solutions that would resolve them, even as he noted that a competitive manufacturing sector would reduce the inequities in the nation’s economy as well as over-dependence on imports.

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Dangote kicks against CBN’s interest rate says Nigeria will not grow



‘No growth will happen’ – Dangote kicks against CBN’s interest rate

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo


The Chairman of the Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, has expressed concern over the decision of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, to raise the interest rate to nearly 30 per cent.

The business mogul made his opinion known at a summit hosted by the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, MAN, on Tuesday at the State House in Abuja.

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Dangote said that with the new interest rate, there will be no growth, adding that it may even pose challenges in creation of jobs.

“Nobody can create jobs with an interest rate of 30%. No growth will happen,” he said.

“We must look to leading countries in the West and the East who are actively protecting their domestic industries.

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“Import dependence is equivalent to importing poverty and exporting jobs. No power, no growth, no prosperity. Similarly, no affordable financing, no growth, no prosperity.

“There is no industrialization without protection. Ignoring these facts is what gives rise to insecurity, banditry, kidnapping and abject poverty.”

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BREAKING: Tinubu appoints Salamatu Ahmed as new head of Housing Loan Board



Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

President Bola Tinubu has approved the appointment of Salamatu Ahmed as the new Executive Secretary of the Federal Government Staff Housing Loans Board, FGSHLB.

Dr Folasade Yemi-Esan, Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, HOCSF, disclosed this in a statement on Monday in Abuja.

In the statement made available to newsmen by Muhammed Ahmed, Director, Communications, HOCSF office, Mrs Yemi-Esan also handed over appointment letter to the new Executive Secretary.

She said Ahmed’s appointment was sequel to terminal leave embarked upon by the former Executive Secretary, Ibrahim Mairiga, ahead of the expiration of his four-year tenure in September.

While congratulating the new appointee, the HOCSF charged her to leverage on the wealth of experience garnered over the years, towards ensuring the full realisation of the Board’s core mandate.

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Before her new appointment, Mrs Ahmed was the Board’s Director of Operations of the FGSHLB.

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Exclusive: Davido gifts his aide brand new car



Davido gifts his aide brand new car

Today’s Hamster Kombat Daily Combo

Davido gathers positive reactions as one of his aides and personal stylist, Deekay DMW, celebrates him for buying him a brand new car.

The aide took to Instagram to express his immense gratitude for the kindness of his boss.

Davido gifts his aide a brand new luxury car
Davido and his aide, Deekay DMW.

He revealed that Davido had bought him a brand new car despite recently spending a lot on his wedding ceremony.

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Davido had responded to his post, imploring him to enjoy.

See the post below
Davido gifts his aide a brand new luxury carDavido gifts his aide a brand new luxury car

How netizens reacted to the post

jaylodolls noted: “See person wey just spend billions on wedding. He still buy person car? Omoh Davido money long sha”

nancyfabuyi claimed: “When they run yahoo among each other they will all come out saying Davido bought this he bought that and the mumu ppl go blv”

promzycollection1 reacted: “And Ulcer won finish Terri for Wizkid house 😂😂 #TeamOBO 💃 “

ms_leemart added: “Davido is a cheerful giver and may he never lack”

jaybanty_kwc commented: “@deekay_dmw u deserve it my bro, ur loyalty to David is”

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